11 (part 1)

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Harry: 15

Louis: 17

Harry once had a phase where he was obsessed with drawing.

Sketchbooks, pencils, pens, scattered all around his room. Ink stains sunk into the side of his hand, calluses grew from the amount of time spent on grasping tightly onto a pencil. 

Because of how talented he was, of course he was an expert at everything. His colour crayons became paintbrush that waltzed around his notebook.

After about a year since Harry discovered his love for drawing, he took online classes, practising doodles on the side of his neatly scribbled photo of his half eaten breakfast, his pencil case, trees, flowers,

And Louis.

Most of the times, Louis was Harry's model, and He didn't mind at all. It made him proud that at least he was doing something for Harry.

And when Harry ended up with notebooks full of sketches of Louis doing his homework, watching the T.V. Or sleeping, He never showed Louis. Of course Louis  was curious to see what he looked like in Harry's drawings, but when he insisted on taking a peek, Harry only hid the sketchbook away and changed the subject.

Louis hasn't thought of it being a big deal, it was probably only that he thought that Louis would judge, which was totally wrong.

 "Harryyyyy!" Loud stomps echoed bolted from afar.

Louis engulfed Harry into a hugs and a peck on the checks. 

 "Boo bear," He squeezed back. 

 Louis let go of the long held hug, as the two sat down in a local park discussing about their day. 

About an hour later, Louis stood up and started playing with his football that he brought along with him.

 "Louis, would you mind if I sketched you?" Harry asked.

 "Yeah, sure, how would you like me to pose?"

 " Uhm, just keep playing with your football, please,"

Louis agreed. He started kicking his feet around, and coming up with tricks. The ball jumped around and around. 

 "Cool, thanks Lou," Harry look up at Louis, who sat down, huffing and puffing. He leaned into Louis after he shoving his sketchbook in his black backpack.

 "Can I see it?" 

 "See what?" Harry looked back at Louis, eyebrows scrunched.

 "The sketch you took of me," Louis scratched his head.

 "Uhm, no, it's okay, I already put it in my bag," He says.

 "Please! I promise I won't judge,"

 "No Louis, it's not about that," Harry started getting frustrated, he fiddles his fingers, and looks down.

 Louis sighs and drops the topic. He tells Harry to lean on his laps. And Harry did, and they started randomly discussing about squids.


 "Lou, I don't know where my sketchbook went?!" Harry panics.

 Louis knows how much it meant to him. The sketchbook was practically a diary to Harry.

He was sure if someone found it, they would return it back to Harry, afterall, there was a big "This property belongs to Harry Styles" sticker. 

 "It's okay babes," Louis cuddles into Harry.

 Hot tears rolled down Harry's pink cheeks.

 "I need it, Louis," 

 "Okay, I'll help you find it at school tomorrow, is that where you think you lost it?" Louis crouched down to Harry's height.

 the heartbroken boy only manages to nod.


 "Oi! Tommo! heard someone got a crush on you yet?" Stan, a boy on Louis' football team yelled behind him.

 "Hey Stan, who has a crush on me?"

 "Oh, you haven't seen it have you?"

 "Seen what?" Louis' heartbeat fastened. 

 "That Style kids' notebook," Stan chuckled.

 " I know he has sketches of ne, what's the big deal?"

 Stan looks around, "meet me at your locker at lunch,"

He runs off to join another group of friends who gave Louis a cheeky grin.

 "What? Harry doesn't have a crush on him, He has sketches of me that I allowed him to draw, what was the big deal? Does Stan have Harry's sketchbook? Who has Harry's sketchbook?"

He must go find Harry. If this is all confusing and weird for Harry, He can't imagine how strange it must be for Harry.

But the bell bet him to it, and He had a test first period. He ran off deciding to look for Harry later.

By lunch time, Louis stood by his locker running over a few notes that he took, when Stan approaches to Louis, handing him a sketchbook, with a sticker that said "this property belongs to Harry Styles" sticker and " if found please return" with "DO NOT LOOK INSIDE written on the cover.

"Aw, thanks mate, I owe ya," Louis rushes off to go look for Harry.

 "Are you not going to look? There's a reason on why there's a weird rumour going around about you," Stan called.

 Louis stops. 

Maybe he could look what's in it. After all, the sketches were of him. But it's Harry's and He gets really sensitive.

But it should be Louis right to see what was in there.

Louis opens the sketchbook, and his jaw drops.

There were sketches of him leaning out and staring out on a balcony. There were photos of him smiling, eating, sleeping, reading, and the most recent one of him playing football.

But beside the sketches were words, stickers and hearts.

 "I love Louis,"

 Louis "arrow heart"

Harry Tomlinson

Louis gasped as he flipped to the first page that wrote.

I wish he knew,

I wish he felt the same,

These feelings of mine were never new, 

They have always been with me,

Like the sky and sea

There's nothing more to say,

Except I love you Lou.

Photos of Harry and Louis stuck into the page. He drew photos of them kissing, and holding hands. 

It gave Louis a strange feeling in his stomach, and dizzy in the head.

 "See, I told you that you should have hung less with the boy, he's some weird stalker,"

 Harry dashes past them. The empty hallway echoed footsteps of fries and sobs.

 "Harry! Louis called after, gripping onto the sketch book, and running after Harry. Guilt filled his stomach as he wished he never picked up the book. He wasn't disgusted of Harry. Never, only in himself. It was wrong for him to look inside of something that didn't belong to him.

Now he understood why Harry made such a big deal out of his sketchbook. 

Because it was his privacy...

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