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 "Boobear, darling, come here,"

 Louis was watching the latest episode of power rangers when Jay, his mum, called for him to come over.

 "Today, we have two lovely guests that I know very well Louis. If you would please be on your best behaviour Louis. Because she has a little boy around the same age as you. Please could you play with him darling? Can I trust you with that, love" Jays voice was soft and tender. Louis liked it. 

 "Like... My own... Playdate?" Louis had never had a playmate before. He couldn't wait. Louis was having his very own guest. He used to watch his mum offer biscuits and tea to guests. Jay told Louis that it was polite to offer your guests something nice. 

Louis knew just what He was going to offer and show to his new friend. His new blue power ranger figurine! Louis couldn't wait. 

He nodded and showed Jay the biggest smile he could manage. So big, that it hurt. Jay turned around while chuckling as Louis' face fell into a painful hurt expression, while rubbing his cheek. 

Turns out it was a new family that had just moved into town. It was just a mother and son. Just like Louis and Jay. They had just moved over in next door, and was going to greet Louis and Jay. This made Louis even more excited. 

So, when Louis heard the doorbell ring, he sprinted across the house, and reached the door to open for his new neighbours .The neighbours were met with a gimourmous smile from ear to ear. While Louis was met with similar, plus a baby, barely being able to walk, waddling with his mother, holding her hand tightly, as he hid behind the lady.

 " Hi, love, I'm Anne, " the nice lady said.

 "Hi there! You must be Anne!" Jay interrupted Louis. "I'm Jay, and this is my boy, Louis,"

 It wasnt that Jay didn't want Louis to speak, it was just that... she didn't trust anything that came in or out of his mouth. And whether it was appropriate for a first impression.

Jay led Anne and the baby named Harry to the back yard for a cup of tea, and cookies. Anne said that because of the welcoming smile, Louis gave her, he deserved a basket of cookies that she brought from behind her. 

Usually, Louis would be thrilled. But, today, Louis' eyes were only focused on the baby who started crying shortly after Jay and Anne started a conversation. It was actually more of a tantrum. It was clear that Harry wanted to go home

 "H-hoe" Harry managed to say, leaving out the M between O and E. ( Pun intended)

Harry continued crying and throwing his hands in the air, and kicking his legs. 

Anne looked embarrassed.

 " I'm sorry, he usually doesn't cry very much. I think it was just the jet lag. He must be tired, "

Louis slowly approached the boy as he slowly took out his favourite blue power ranger. He waved it around Harry's face a couple of times slowly. Which  thankfully caused a holt the the tears running down Harry's face. Harry's green eyes just stared at the blue figurine floating around. And gently, gradually, the green eyes stared at the blue eyes instead. 

Louis giggled a slight. So did Harry. Then Anne joined in, and then Jay. In a split second, all four of them were laughing so hard, that Mrs. Elliot looked over her gardening fence to take a look and thought there was something in the tea, because all of them seemed high. She shook her head, and continued gardening.



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If you have any suggestions or questions please do contact me! I love hearing from everyone! Thank you once again! Love you😘

Growing Pains- Larry stylinsonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora