19 3 1

Louis 8

Harry 6

Hand in hand, Both boys scurried off to school. Louis starts his second year of school, while Harry would start his first. Louis was so jittery from The excitement. He wouldn't sit still, nor stop talking. Jay really needed her morning coffee. It was too early to be dealing with such a hyper munchkin.

The moment Jay's car came to a holt. Louis started bouncing on his bottom to contain the happiness. 

Today was the first day of school ever since the holidays, and Louis had been dying to go back to school. It was something about school being so social, fun, and free. And of course, this year, he would also be starting school with his bestest pal.

 Harry Barry!

Harry was the shy one out of both. He was also the most well behaved, gentle, softly spoken, polite 6 year old you will ever meet. He greeted everyone, whether stranger or not, with smile and a dimple. He cleaned up after himself. He made sure He was orginized. He never forced his opinion on anyone. And the most important rule his mother taught him...

To speak with an inside voice when inside.

Louis, however, was polar opposite. He was homely, awkward, and Loud. And loud. And LOUD.

Louis couldn't ever sit properly and was always running up and down the hallway. He would run in with his muddy football boots across the white carpet without a second thought. Never able to find his other sock is. He chewed with his mouth open, shouts all the time. And did I mention loud?

But somehow, the pair match. They just do. It was unexplainable! Scientists wouldn't even be able to crack.  The moment they see each other, the other just melts and the whole world is in peace again.

Louis looks out the car window and spots two faint shadows making its way to the car. Louis looked up and his face fell immediately. 

There, in front of him. Was a boy, with his mother holding his hand rubbing his eyes. It was clear that he had been crying. Louis rolled down the car window to take a better look.

 "Harry! My love! Wast wong?" Louis spoke in a baby voice. He couldn't help it. Harry was so babygirl!

Harry only looked down, ashamed of himself. Anne laughed, and looked back at Louis.

 "Before school blues," Anne shrugged as she smooched Harry a juicy kiss on the cheeks. Anne had given up on comforting Harry whenever he was sad. It wasn't like anything she did worked anyways. But she knew a magic trick up her sleeves that always solved the problem.

Anne took a step forward and whispered something in Louis' ear. Louis grinned.

Anne explained to Jay that Harry was nervous about starting school. So, when she told him that Louis was at the door, Harry immediately got dressed, and was ready to start school.

Louis was Anne's magic trick.

Louis always found a way to make his Hazza happy. 

And he would do it a million times more.

After a whole bunch of convincing, Harry finally buckled his seatbelt in, and was ready to go. But Louis could still sense some nerves radiating from Harry.

So, he took his hand, and placed it on his lap.

 "Harry, I like your bag!"

 On the bag, were butterflies and flower designs that Louis really did like!

Growing Pains- Larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now