6 1 0

Louis 14

Harry 12

"Louis, you haven't finished your plate. Are you full?" Jay asked. Her face wore a confused look.

 "Oh yeah, I'm just not hungry. Thanks mum, dinner was lovely," 

 Louis skipped upstairs before Jay could sneak another word in.

These past few weeks Louis was acting weird. 

He became quite and shy. His temper had softened, he stayed in his room quite often, he avoided conversations and barely ate any food.

Jay thought that Louis was just coming down with a cold or a stomach ache for the first few days, but in the recent days, she started getting concerned about her son.

Jay always picked up Louis from school because he was far off from getting his drivers licence. He still had to wait a couple more years.

Usually, on the car ride back home, Louis blabbered on and on about football trainings, English teachers, and Harry. 

However, this afternoon, when Jay's car was parked outside of Louis' school and when he sat in the car, the ride home was silent. 

Before, even on sad days he would sing along to the radio and memorize every lyric to the song and sing his little heart out.


Louis sat on his bedroom floor, surrounded by homework while tears dropped down his eyes.

 "Ew, Louis, you do football right?" The new member of the football team Alex laughed about.

 Louis nodded.

 "Then how come you're so fat?" Louis' team mates laughed at him.

 But Louis' eyes froze on the floor. He refused to look up. The words made him feel bad enough. He really didn't need to see his teammates laugh at him.

For the past few weeks, Louis didn't feel in the mood of being himself.

Why would he want to do that?

The real Louis was fat, loud, stupid, dumb, and arrogant.

This new Louis should shut up and keep to himself. That was what Alex said.

Louis looked up and shook his head. It didn't matter. He just needed to study and work hard, so when he's got a steady, well played job, he could look down at his stupid bullies and laugh at them.

 He was going to do it the Tommo way.


"You know who's really hot?" Harry played upside down, head hanging from Louis' bed reading a teen magazine. 

 Louis gave Harry a silly glare. 

 "What!? It's not like I have a boyfriend anymore!" Harry shrugged.

 Liam and Harry broke up around about 2 months ago, after both agreed that they just weren't the best suit for each other. The break up was mutual, and now they were only friends.

Louis couldn't have been any happier with the news.

 "-Oh! You know!" Harry huffed. " that brunette guy from Backstreet boys!"

Louis was playing FIFA and he paused the game and turned Harry.

"There are quite a few brunette guys in the world,"

Growing Pains- Larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now