Chapter 5 - Strawberry Blonde and Specks Rival!

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AN-In battles and in public Koji will refer to Speck as Charmander but in private it will be Speck.

I woke up and unfortunately I had to skip breakfast as I didn't get anything yesterday, I'll try to pick something up on the way to school for Speck and I. I started off my morning routine with the basic hygiene practices then I went into stretches, stretches are extremely important as they help preserve your body and prevent injuries.

Skipping stretches can result in chronic pain and being injured more easily, that's why I never skip them. My morning workout is just calisthenics as I have no equipment for anything else. Never the less calisthenics are still very good for building a physique and strength overall.

While I was doing my 150 push-ups Speck decided he wanted to sit on my back while I was doing them. He wasn't heavy though, for some reason he really enjoyed sitting on my back while I do push-ups.


Entering the elevator I was met with a surprising sight, it was a strawberry blonde girl but that wasn't the surprising part, the surprising part was that she had two Pokemon already. She had a Pichu on her shoulder and an Eevee by her feet.

"Good morning, I'm Ichinose Honami!" The strawberry blondes spoke.

"Good morning, I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka." I replied in my normal monotone voice, the only time I've ever heard my voice different was yesterday during the battle. It makes me happy knowing Pokemon battles can give me some sort of happiness.

I looked up to see Ichinose beet red for some reason.

"Is something wrong? Do you have a fever?" Fevers can be very unfortunate.

"No-nothings wrong, you just have a really nice smile." Ichinose answered.

"I smiled?" I mumbled. I didn't know I was capable of that anymore.

"Anyways what are you doing out so early?" Ichinose asked.

"Can I hold Eevee?" I asked

"Of course!" I picked up Eevee and held him in my arms.

"And to answer your question, I just had to get breakfast for Charmander and I. I didn't get food for either of us yesterday." I answered

"What a coincidence, I'm doing the same thing! Can I tag along with you?" Ichinose is asking to come with us to get food, I don't really see a reason to say no.

"Yea, I've got no issue with it but you'll have to make sure Charmanders okay with it." I said as I let Charmander out of his Pokeball.


We exited the elevator and she crouched down next to Charmander, oh no, her poor nose is in danger.

"Would it be okay if I came with you and Ayanokouji?" She asked

"Char! Char!" Charmander apparently really likes her.

Wait, why didn't you bite her nose. You little traitor.

"Guess that means I can!"



Some student took a picture of Ichinose and I, I don't see why though. I was just standing by her holding her Eevee while she was talking to my Pokemon about coming with us early in the morning all by ourselves.

Oh, that makes sense actually.

"What are you doing Mako?!" Ichinose cried out, however the assailant 'Mako' ran off before Ichinose could question her.

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