Chapter 95

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The air was sweet, the open window letting it waft in. It was a reminder of the joy that some peace and calm could bring. The serenity of the birds chirping as the sunlight brightened the room up could be considered one of the best experiences in one's life. Midday was always the brightest, especially there. It was the best time to go for a walk, or read a book under a tree.

A clang of porcelain balls disrupted that peace, along with the cheer of a blond who put his arms up in victory.

"How are you so good at this?" Obasi asked. They had been trying to pass time, and Benny had come up with the idea to play pool. Obasi had never even heard of the game, and it was showing.

"I used to play all the time when I was alive," Benny explained. "Never competitively. Though I did win a few bets from it."

"It's all in the form, Obasi," Will winked at him. "You'll get it. It takes some practice."

"I don't think I've ever felt so old," Obasi frowned. "When was this even invented?"

"This type was invented in the 1920s," Will answered. "Although it was originally called Billiards, and that was first recognized in the 1340s in France."

"How did you know that off the top of your head?!" Benny asked. He liked the game, but not enough to pick up a book on it.

"I didn't," Will showed the tablet he had typed the question into. "Technology really makes certain things easy."

"I was going to complain," Benny told him. "But it beats going to a library and reading. I could never focus on any book."

"I didn't quite understand it until we were doing Damien's case," Will explained. "He wrote some interesting stuff. Oh! If you don't like reading, though, you could try audio books. They've gotten really popular."

"They never have audio books that are interesting, though," Benny complained. The only ones he had ever seen just looked boring, like the narrator would drone on or something.

"They have a bunch of romance ones," Will gave his partner a sly smile. "And not just straight."


The television caught their attention before the conversation could continue. It was morning in Arizona, and it looked like Anton's mom had finally come into the kitchen. Lucas, whether to make a good impression or merely from the kindness of his own heart, had decided to make breakfast for them.

"His dad tells me all about it," Irene said, eating her food. "I swear, I've never seen that man so proud of any of his kids."

"Exactly how many kids does Nick Vahn have?" Benny asked. Hearing that didn't really sit well with him.

"Enough to be almost vasectomized by the anticupids," Obasi said. "He hasn't been the best lover. The only thing he could commit to was his career."

"Ew," A familiar voice said. They turned to see a woman with many braids that swung from side to side. "Why are we talking about Nick Vahn?"

"Sarah!" Benny dropped his pool stick and ran over to hug her. "I was wondering when you were going to come back!"

"We got a little busy," Sarah hugged him back. "How's it going?"

"I bit dull," Will answered honestly. "But still cute. Anton and Lucas are falling in love slowly."

"I wouldn't exactly call two weeks slow," Justin said, being the next one that Benny hugged. "Especially with how long it took your other cases."

"It feels like it's been forever," Benny complained. He was glad that they were falling for each other, but there were just so many things that they had left to do. Then after this case there would be another and another. And he really wanted them to all be a success.

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