Chapter 90

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Author's Note: !!!!SEXUAL CONTENT WARNING!!!! Hi everyone! We're getting really close to the ending of this lovely story, but I thought I would have some more fun with Lucas and Anton before we try to conclude everything. This chapter and the next are going to have sex scenes the entire chapter. If you don't like reading that stuff, then feel free to skip them. For those who do enjoy reading this stuff: ENJOY!

Thanks for all the votes and comments! I'll see you soon with another chapter!


It was a valid question. Lucas didn't want to make Anton feel uncomfortable in their relationship. Maybe he was thinking too much, but he didn't want to make Anton feel like he was going to treat him horribly. He couldn't imagine hurting him.

"That's got to be the stupidest thing I've had someone ask me," Anton said in between kisses. "You have to stop talking about contracts."

"It wasn't a bad one," he said, holding him tight. "I just thought-!"

He was never going to get more than one sentence out for the rest of the night. With how smoothly those demanding hands slipped under his shirt, Lucas wasn't sure if he could be angry about it. They unbuttoned his shirt little by little, touching as much skin as they could.

Those touches and kisses only made him thirsty, and not for water. But he let Anton take charge this time, pulling him on top of him. The way he fit around his hips made it difficult to keep the slow pace they had been going at. Anton sat up, grinding his hips on him as his legs straddled Lucas. The kissing had stopped, but Lucas still couldn't talk. Anton's hands slowly going up and down his torso somehow rendered his voice useless. All he could do was hold his hips in place.

"Are you sure your family is asleep?" Anton asked, his voice was tantalizingly dreamy. "Or should we stop while we're ahead?"

"No," Lucas immediately answered, tightening his hold on him. "I mean- they're definitely asleep. No need to worry about that," He was going to lose his mind if this ended too soon. At that moment, he didn't care who's house they were in. As long as those hips stayed on top of him, he was in heaven.

"You sure you aren't just saying that?" Anton's blue eyes lost the veil of lust for a moment, showing concern instead.

"My mom sleeps upstairs," Lucas assured him. "Everyone else here sleeps like a log."

His family liked to live together. It was another reason why they were upset with him for moving out and traveling. The only one who didn't live in this house was Carlos and his family. And that was because Estrella would have gone insane with their mom around constantly. They could only stand each other for a few hours at a time.

Lucas was always surprised at how shocked his mom was about him moving out. He had pictures on his walls of things from all around the world for so long. He always talked about wanting to see the sights of the world. And he had. He loved it more than anything until recently. It wasn't until a few months ago that he realized he was tired of being a stranger everywhere.

It was reinforced every time he felt that body press down on him, too. Lucas pushed his hips up to keep the friction going. A soft moan came from Anton, enticing and addicting.

"Don't worry about it, Sweetheart," Lucas snuck his hands around the rim of Anton's jeans. He only stopped when he got to the button, which he undid with the flick of his hands. "Everything's going to be fine here. You're safe."

For once that night, it seemed like he silenced him. He guessed they were even now. It didn't matter, though. All that mattered was how the man shuddered on top of him right when he pressed his thumb on front of the man's boxers. Lucas rubbed the fabric a little, feeling him get harder from his touch.

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