Chapter 89

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He must have slept the whole day away. The jetlag wasn't bat at the party, but as soon as he closed his eyes on the couch, he couldn't wake up. He barely remembered getting walked to a room. It was dark and his eyes were barely open, so he couldn't see much of it, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was that the bed was soft.

And he still managed to wake up tangled in someone else.

"Lucas!" Anton groaned, somehow managing to roll on his back. He was sweating like crazy, and his head was hurting again. He needed water, and he wasn't even sure where the kitchen was.

"Hmm?" The man hummed by his ear, barely awake. His voice was low and vibrated through his whole being.

And somehow the headache went away, along with any other problems Anton's body had screamed at him about before. Lucas could put him in a trance, keeping him there no matter the torture. The feeling of him cuddling up to him more made the heat that came off from him tolerable.

Either Lucas was eventually going to get up and free him or Anton was going to die peacefully in that bed. There was no in between.

Anton was about to doze off again, the hangover and jet lad not mixing well with one another, before Lucas moved again. This time, he left small kisses on his neck. It worked better than an espresso shot.

"Stop," Anton tried to untangle himself again.

"Why?" Lucas asked, hugging him tighter. He was still half asleep by the sound of his voice. "I like kissing you."

"I'm sweaty," Anton complained. "You're like a space heater."

"You weren't saying that last night when you practically held me hostage," Lucas said, loosening his grip on him.

"You believe drunk me over sober me?"

"No," he smiled. "I do believe drunk you over hungover you though. Do you want some breakfast?"

"I don't even know what time it is," he rubbed his face. Then he sat up, finally looking around the room. "Is this your childhood room?"

The room wasn't childish, or lost in time. It definitely looked like a guest room, but the decorations hinted that it used to belong to someone. There were pictures up of different landscapes from around the world, and a desk that had some pictures of his family on it.

"Yeah," Lucas said. "I guess she still wanted to keep some of my stuff in here. It's still a lot cleaner than when I was young though."

"I'll bet," Anton smiled. Then the headache came back, along with all of his other miserable symptoms. Anton groaned, falling back into the bed.

"Let me get you something," Lucas kissed his forehead before leaving the room. Anton heard some talking outside the room before he came back with some water and aspirin. "My mom said she wants you to eat in the dining room with us."

"Can I at least take a shower first?" he felt like he was a kid again, spending the night at his friends' houses. They were fun memories, just not one he thought he would be relating to at his age.

"Sure," Lucas said. "Let me show you where the bathroom is."

"You sure you don't need to ask your mom first?" He joked.

"I'm pretty sure the only time she would be mad about it is if I went in there with you," Lucas whispered as they got to the hallway. He quickly let him to the bathroom.

"There is no way I'd let you," Anton shook his head.

The shower didn't take too long. Anton made sure to put his hygiene products in an easy spot to grab. That and some fresh clothes made it easy to feel better. Of course, the water and aspirin helped too.

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