Chapter 2: Why Do I Feel Like This?

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I stopped what I was doing. Why did my stomach do a little fluttery dance when he said that?

I tried to concentrate on what I was supposed to do next. "Umm, still waiting on the computer to give me everything."

Then the last of the information finally hit the screen. I read through all the relevant stuff. No warnings. No problems.


"No probs with the report. Time to get back to work."

"Yes, Ma'am."

I checked the blurb on the side of the screen telling me where the next vein started. "Head down the tunnel to your right."

"On it."

I remembered what we were talking about. "Come on then, tell me about her."

"She has long dark hair and bright blue eyes that seem to flash at you when she smiles," he began.

Oh, wow... What a description! I thought, a smile tugging at my lips. Javolo was such a romantic.

"Turn left at that intersection and go down about twenty metres," I said. I could hear the suit's hydraulics as he walked the distance. That was unusual. The connection was clearer than normal for a few seconds.

"And she has the most perfect bod..."

Typical male, I laughed to myself. So much for being a romantic. "Yeah, I believe you..." I told him. "Stop there."

"It's true," he protested. "Okay, it's true this time... Well, ya know, last time the girl wasn't perfect like I'd said, but still really pretty. And a really nice person... and married."

And not even human. Not that he would've had a problem with that — but it was funny that Javolo had thought she was. I guess her tail would've been hidden under her dress. I giggled. "Now go forward. Bit more... Bit more. Stop. Turn to your right. You should be facing a wall with a visible vein through it."


"Okay, start. Middle of the road."

"Yes, Ma'am."

He immediately started up his rock-breaker, which was attached to the left arm of his Mech-suit. The other arm sported a four-pronged mechanical hand for picking up samples, with a shovel-like scoop on the back of its "wrist" for scooping the debris away. The mechanical hand and other parts of the suit contained sensors that detected traces of Amakio and transmitted the locations to the Nav Computer. This information was triangulated with data from the other Diggers and the sixteen satellites to pinpoint the mineral deposits under the ground.

While Javolo worked, it was too noisy for us to talk, so I twirled a piece of my long hair around my finger as I watched the screen to check for any new data or warnings, and was left to my thoughts. More and more often lately, my thoughts came back to the end of our partnership — our Rotation — together and I couldn't help feeling anxious about it.

The contract with Katoa was for two years. They divided the time up into four Rotations of six months each. We worked with one partner for six months, then, so we didn't get too attached, we were assigned a different one for each Rotation. This was my first Rotation, and after a short stint with Rogan, I'd been paired with Javolo. Javolo and I only had about a month left before we were assigned new partners. Maybe we were too close according to the company's guidelines, but we were just friends. Really good friends. I felt a sense of loss at the thought of never being able to talk to him every day, and I hadn't even experienced the loss yet. It was weird. And really awful.

Why do I feel like this? I thought as my fingernails tapped the grey desk. I had no answer. Why do we have to part ways? And why is this cubicle so drab and grey? It's enough to make anyone depressed.

I thought about who I might end up working with. What if it was someone I didn't like, or someone like Rogan that didn't share my sense of humour? The chances of being partnered with someone with the same sense of humour and/or the same interests were pretty slim. That wasn't a very encouraging thought.

Who would I be working with after next month? If we didn't get along, I'd be stuck with him — or her — for six months. That would make my job difficult. It would make my life miserable. Of course, it was my job and I'd suck it up and do it, but I wished I could keep things the way they were.

I pushed all that aside for now.

I thought about what I might do on my next rostered day off. Maybe go swimming. It was always refreshing and it helped me to clear my mind so I could think and reflect. Something about water had always made me feel calm and relaxed. Or I could take a long walk in the park near my apartment. That was always good for my soul. I loved to lie on the grass and watch the birds flitting amongst the trees.

Those pleasant images were replaced by images of Malvolio's angry face the night before at dinner when the waitress brought him a "slightly cold" meal. I couldn't believe how angry he'd been over something so trivial...

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