Chapter 4

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The next day, after finishing a group project at university, I went straight to the coffee shop. I was behind the counter making coffee next to Ben, both of us sneaking glances at Kalem. The guy could feel someone watching him because he'd occasionally turn in our direction, and Ben and I would quickly pretend we weren't talking about him.

"You two seemed pretty cozy yesterday," the black-haired guy said, fishing for some gossip.

"Don't tell my mom," I said, trying to keep my cool.

"Why not?"

"Because she'll start shipping us and then tell my dad. I'm sure he'd start dropping by the coffee shop more often with some excuse, just to keep an eye on Kalem," I chuckled, shaking my head at the thought. Dad was overprotective when it came to guys and me.

"You're right," Ben nodded. "Then he'd have me sitting at a table, grilling me for everything I know about Kalem."

"You're talking like it's happened before," I narrowed my eyes at him, suspiciously, and he smiled nervously.

"What? Of course, it's happened before with the other guys who were into you. Your dad can be intense when he wants to be," he laughed awkwardly, as if remembering those dark moments.

"I feel for you, buddy," I patted his shoulder.

"Let's get back to the sugar cube guy," he gave me a sly smile, and I shook my head, hearing the nickname he'd given Kalem, who was tending to some tables in the distance. "Did you go all the way with him?"

"Twice," I said, preparing drinks while making sure my mom wasn't around. Ben's eyes widened.

"And here I thought you were an angel. No wonder the guy can't take his eyes off you," he dramatically clutched his chest. "I used to think it was just my imagination finding double meanings in those book titles you were reading. You seem like such a good girl, Heather," he said, smiling.

"If you want, I can lend them to you-they're pretty good," I said, playfully teasing him. "And very explicit."

"How explicit?" he murmured, leaning in with curiosity.

I laughed and pushed his arm away. I didn't know which was funnier, his reaction to what I said or the fact that Ben actually thought I might lend him my books. How naive. I wouldn't entrust my children to just anyone-they were precious.

"Back to the gossip. Yesterday, Kalem asked me out on a date."

"I don't need to ask what your answer was because I can already see it coming," he said, leaning on the counter, watching me.

"It was a yes."

"Really?" He sounded genuinely surprised and happy.

"No," I laughed, and his smile vanished. "Don't you know me by now, Benjamin?"

"You love toying with my feelings. But I don't get it-even though I hate to admit it, the sugar cube guy gives me a good vibe. I don't think he has bad intentions."

"And he's hot," I gave him a quick glance, and Ben let out a snort.

The coffee shop bell rang, and a young woman about my age walked in, holding the hand of a small boy who seemed eager to break free and run around.

She approached the counter where Ben and I were.

"Hi, does Kalem Taylor work here?" she asked kindly. The girl was pretty and seemed friendly.

"Yes, he's over there," I pointed with my hand, a bit confused about her visit. She nodded and headed in that direction with the boy.

"Sir, this gossip is getting juicy," Ben said, clearly interested in what was happening.

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