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The council was crowded, the room to small and filled with the putrid smell of ale, it took hours and while she wished to add value, Valaena had barely anything to add, she knew little of the day to day issues that the men at the wall were faced with. Raiders, lack of food, despite the fertile grounds they had been given years ago. Cregan voiced his opinion on all their issues, reminding the men that a handfull of his own councilmembers would join in a few days time to weight in.

They lacked men, even now that they stood more than five thousand strong. Men and food, and itvwas mostly food that they lacked, as they all said that Winter was nearing in. They didn't have years left to stock up on provisions.

"The dungeons of Kings Landing are overflowing." Remarked Valaena as she watched the men debate.

She could see wariness in their eyes, feel in fill the darkenen chamber, her ancestors had already ordered thieves, murders and rapists to trek to the wall, and the Northernmen hadn't appreciate it at all. The Watch was to be a place of honor, and so she spoke before they could remind them.

"Do not allow for them to take place in your ranks, rather make them work the fields, the Watch has much fertile ground that remains unused."

"And who would keep watch of these men?" Remarked one of the commanding Rangers. Valaena could feel Cregan's eyes burning into her side as she slowly raised one brow.

"Of course it is exactly those that you wish to keep an eye on, does the promise of ample food storage outweight needing a men to guard and train them?"

"They're thieves and-"

"It does." Interrupted Commander Caswell the Ranger as he offered both Valaena and Cregan a firm not. "I'll write to Kingslanding. Wildings have always plundered our lands, they'll do no different when we send wastrels to work our lands. We'll need able men to guard the fields, so it is not a waste of men."

The council moved on to hygiene issues, as Castle Black hadn't been built to house so many men, Valaena grimaced as they spoke of layers of frozen shit stuck in walls of ice. Though she had to keep her laughter as they bickered. All men, even Cregan seemed lost. Though the Lord of Winterfell chastised his men at daring to speak so bold in front of his wife.

"Dig holes inside your ice walls of waste." Laughed Valaena as she leaned back in her chair slightly, catching the attention of the men, whom had dismissed her for most of the meeting. "Stoke fires made out of straw and compost in the holes, it will burn slow but the warm moist environments will do well to turn your manure into fertile waste. Use it on the fields."

After the council meeting Valaena was eager to go outside and get a breath of fresh air, the hours spend inside had done her no good, causing a headache to form. Valaena didn't wait on Cregan, instead she stepped outside the room, pushing open the doors that led to the courtyard, the cold air hitting her face so hard it stung. It was snowing.

Valaena opened her palm, frowning at the little pieces of snow that melted as soon as they made contact with her fingers. "How long will it take your men to reach us?" Questioned Valaena as she recognized Cregan's footsteps behind her.

"About a fortnight, alas Winter is coming, I've send a raven to ask them to return home this morning. We need to prepare our stores."

"Oh." Valaena fell silent, turning on her heel, her eyes meeting his before sliding over to the bricked and wooden structure of Castle Black. She sucked in a breath. "Are we to return also?"

"Mhm, tomorrow." Hummed Cregan as he held out his hand to offer a set of thicker gloves to Valaena. "We're visiting the wall." Their gazes slid towards the caged elevator that was used to travel up the enormous structure. Valaena imagined having to walk ten thousands of steps to reach the top, and while she regularly exercised as part of her archery lessons, she imagined passing out if being faced with such a challenge.

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