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Dear Jace

I hope you've been practicing your High Valyrian. If not, then you should not postpone it any longer! Aemond and I have been speaking in only High Valryian during breakfast, much to the distate of 'Her Grace, the Queen', Alicent is rather suffocating of late. She urges me to wear High collared dresses, as a form of revenge I have asked Helaena to join me in ordering some Essosi style dresses. I think Alicent is going to throw a fit. Or have one. Alicent also asked me to give up on my Archery lessons, now that I'm getting rather good at it... She mentioned I have to start preparing for marriage. Fortunately, Ser Criston vouched me for, stating that I've become an excellent Archer and it would be a wasted talent.

Do tell me if you and Lucerys plan on visiting Driftmark, I want to fly Sapphire over and join you. I've missed Baela on my last visit.

I miss you, give my love to mother.


Valaena Velaryon.

"Who are you writing?"

Valaena didn't look up at the sound of Aemond's voice, nor did she when she felt his arms wrapping around her. She dipped her seal in wax and carefully stamped the scroll. Flinching just a little when Aemond started planting soft kisses in her bare neck. His voice had a hint of anger in it.

"I'm writing my brother." Muttered Valaena as she softly pushed away the Princes' head. He groaned in dissapointmen, watching her as she finished tying up the scroll and put it on a platter on her desk, where a servant would later take it away to be send to DragonStone.

As soon as the scroll touched the plate, Aemond reached out his arm and pulled Valaena closer to him. His coming of age nameday was in two days time and he had "finally grown into a man." According to his father atleast, who rarelty left his bedchamber nowadays.

Aemond had instructed his family to arrange only small festivities, but as it was a special nameday, Otto Hightower had ordered for a Tourney to be held. Much to Aemond's distaste as he rather wished to just spend his nameday holding a banquet with only his family in attendance. However, this was not the case.

"What are you wearing for my name day?" Whispered Aemond in the crook of Valaena's neck. Using his hands to trail figures up and down her back, making her sigh happily. "Helaena said you were planning something."

"I've asked the dressmaker to fashion me something new."

Aemond hummed softly before planting another kiss in Valaena's neck. And softly pulling on her hair, walking the two of them backwards as he pushed his legs between hers. Her back met her desk with a loud thud. Sending a flower vase to the ground. It shattered and water splattered all over the floor.

"Aemond!" Exclaimed Valaena as she pushed on his chest. Eager to check on the vase. "Leave it, it's broken." Muttered Aemond against her lips before capturing them and holding her even tighter. The Princess gave in, kissing him back as he pushed her to sit on the desk. Her mind shot towards the words both the Queen and her Septa always spoke. That this wasn't proper, that she shouldn't, but when Aemond pressed his tongue between her lips and his body closer to hers she couldn't feign to care anymore.

The dresses Valaena had instructed to be made arrived on the eve of Aemond's nameday, Valaena had chosen a light sky blue silk, adorned with even lighter blue voile, the dressmaker promised her that it would sparkle in the sun. The sleeves were long and bell shaped, with white lace on it's edges. More white lace adorned her waist, making it appear slimmer and her hips fuller.

The dressmaker raised her arms up. Mentioned at the chest area. "I fear the Princess' chest is too large for this type of dress, allow me to-"

"No!" Interrupted the Princess the woman. Smiling widely, already she imagined Queen Alicent' angry face as she would join the royal family on the platform. "You've done excellent work Miss Drea, my Maidservant will pay you handsomely. Please fashion me another one just like it, but in lilac and gold."

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