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It did turn out that the Maesters hadn't cleared Aemond fit to mount Vhagar yet.

Aemond didn't care though, the only thing that could cure the both physical and mental pain of loaing his eye, was Vhagar. He felt alive, he felt magnificent as he rode the Dragon into the skies above the keep.

All of the court would surely see him, and Valaena also, as her mount had grown quite larger than Syrax already.  Sapphire was nearing Dreamfyre's size quickly. The egg had been one of hers after all.

Aemond had been jelous of every one of his family members as a child, but now he remember how he felt after losing his eye.


Valaena tailed him and Vhagar, she was quite fast, having ridden her dragon countless of times, while it was Aemond who was only doing this for the second time. Perhaps he  should have been assisted, he had trained to make Vhagar listen to him in the pit for the past weeks. But it had been nothing compared to actually making the large ancient dragon listen to him in the skies.

After nearly two hours of dancing around eachother, making their dragons soar above ships and across the open bay, both children finally grew tired, and perhaps they partially stayed out so long because they feared King Viserys his anger.

Valaena was first to emerge from the pit, as it was Vhagar who appeared to be quite hard to get back into her lair.

She was met with a red faced Commander Westerling and an annoyed looking Criston Cole.

"Good evening Princess, we're to escort you and Prince Aemond back to the keep."

"Thank you Commander Westerling." Smiled Valaena as she shot him an innocent smile.

"You remind me of your mother when she was your age Princess, always up on that large Dragon of hers, Syrax. She'd ride for hours. I would always be glad to have her safe under my watch again."

Back in the keep, both Valaena and Aemond were chastised for their behavior, Queen Alicent's face had gone red with fury as she sent Valaena away to sew with the septa. The Princess could hear het grandmother shouting at Aemond so loudly that it nearly made the door rattle. Valaena gasped, for her mother would never yell at her like that.

Valaena hated spending time with the septa, for all the older woman told Helaena and Valaena was how to be good wives. Helaena would marry Aegon come spring and Aemond and Valaena would be wed as soon as the girl would be old enough. Though the Septa told her she would marry her uncle as soon as she had bled.

"Do you think Aegon will be kinder to me, when am I to be his wife?" Whispered Helaena one morning. Winter was finally coming to an end, thought it felt more like a death sentence to Helaena. Valaena had been at court for nearly a year now, she rarely talked to Aegon. As he was always off somewhere drinking or whoring as Valaena had heard brother Jacaerys say on Lucerys' name day a fortnight ago.

In truth the Princess wanted to say something kind to her aunt, to ease her nerves perhaps, but she found that she could not. So she simply refrained from answering. Shrugging only. Giving her aunt sad eyes.

King Viserys had gifted his granddaughter paints from Essos to practice and finish her drawings more. As a thank you she wanted to finish the portrait that she had started on shortly before departing for DragonStone. When Valaena had still been a part off her own family. Instead of the Queen's.

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