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Cregan was silent at dinner when theyr returned to castle black, Valaena wanted to give him space, so she ate her dinner in silence also, taking quiet breaths as the couple returned to their bedchambers. Her hands shaking

It wasn't that him wielding justice had scared her, she wasn't a stranger to beheadings, there were a million things raging in Valaena's chest as they ate in near silence. Instead she tried to focus on the low conversations of the men around her. She wanted to engage in conversation with them, but didn't dare to.

After dinner Valaena and Cregan were brought to their chambers, she again followed Cregan in silence, Alicent's lessons of not speaking unless spoken to by her husband echoing in her mind.

The sleeping and bathing area appeared separated by a wooden room divider. She could see a bathtub but no steam rose from the room. Jusging by the cold so far up North, it must he near impossible to hold a warm bath. Valaena let out a sigh as she took off her heavy cloak. She thought about Winterfell and it's heated walls and floors. Castle Black was much colder. She shuddered as the cold air hit her neck and chest. Promising the gods she would show more gratitude towards Winterfell's keep from now on.

"I'll go out, so you can bathe in private." Offered Cregan as he fastened his cloak and turned on his heel to leave their chambers.

"No, it's-" Valaena fell quiet for a moment, not wanting to live up to her reputation as the Southern Princess. She grimaced walking up the to the tub and dipping her fingers in the cold water.

Cregan watched her, something like amusement creeping up his lips. "They'll have hot water in the morning Princess."

She hummed, shoulders slumming as she felt him slide one hand across her back. He wasn't taunting ber, rather trying to be kind.

"Enjoy your bath Lord Stark." Mused Valaena as she left him standing besides the tub. Not sparing him another glance, she wanted to be rid of feeling like such strangers so badly. Yet she had not an inkling how.

She loosened her braid, her silver hair falling down her back, grimacing as she splayed her arms to reach the fastenings. There were no handmaidens or ladies here, not even a scully maid to aid her.



"Would you please help me get this dress off."

She kept her voice silent as she counted his footsteps, listening only to his slightly heavier breathing as he undid the back off her dress. It slid off her shoulders immediately and she had to hold up the bodice at her chest.

"The corset, please."

He hummed only, slightly off tune as his fingers made quick work off the strings that sat tight around her upper body. Valaena took a shuddering breath as she felt the fabric loosen around her. The air felt fresher, fuller and she closed her eyes for a moment, enjoying the loose feel around her chest and ribs.

"Thank you."

Cregan remained silent as he dragged his thumb across Valaena's shoulders before stepping away. She turned, his face still turned towards her. She bit her lip, somewhat relieved to notice the darkening of his eyes, the clenching of his jaw.

Atleast he didn't find her repulsive. The thought had crossed her mind, even when he had kissed her this late afternoon, even then.

She held her breath as her dress and corset slipped to the floor. Revealing her nightshift. It was thin in the cold air despite being made of thick itchy Northern cotton.

"You'll be cold tonight." Whispered Cregan, his accent thick.

Valaena nodded, before turning away from him, counting his steps as he walked back towards the cold bathtub.

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