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Cregan had excused himself when the Maidservants came in to dress Valaena for the night, she had stared at the door after he left. Slipping into the covers before he could return. She wore a northern nightshift, which was much thicker than a thin linnen southern one. She frowned as she rubbed the fabric between her hands.

Valaena tried not to stare as Cregan undressed himself. His body remained covered by his underclothes, the linnen blouse, but still she could make out the fine lines of his arms and back.

He bid her goodnight, offering to sleep in front of the hearth, but she shook her head. "It is your bed."

He nodded at her words, and she could feel her throat burning, aching to speak to him. Anything to make this less uncomfortable.

She turned on her side noticing how he stared at the ceiling.

"Would you tell me how Winterfell was build?"

Cregan turned his head, smiling at her. "Wel there is Bran the Builder who-"

By dawn the two had stayed up all night, talking untill the sun rose, and it was then that Valaena jested they wouldn't last riding the day. Cregan remarked that she perhaps needed a carriage then, to carry her royal feet. To which she jokingly suggested riding out on dragonback.

"Your men could ride out meet us there."

"It would take them four days-"

"Four days in which you can take me anywhere North, across any town, any port or keep."

Cregan sat up in his bed, watching as Valaena slid out of the heavy blankets, her nightshift fell loose around her waist, but as she dipped in the side o lf the bed he could see her hips, she swung her long silver braid over her shoulder. Undoing it before looking back at him. He could feel himself warming at the sight.

Take her anywhere. He thought before cursing himself. He would only if she were willing, but already he imagined wrapping his hands around her waist and hips and feeling the soft skin of her lips on his, or her thighs underneath his lips as she closed her-



"Would you?"

Gods anything,

"Mhyes..." drawled the Lord out before straightening himself. Pushing away the lingering thoughts of her wearing absolutely nothing before him. He would only if she were willing and in truth he hadn't fully registered her proposal, not untill after breakfast, which he spend alongside his men. When they asked him about the travels he realized that he had agreed to fly to the wall.

His men weren't happy when he told them he would join them later,

Lord Cerwyn shut them up quickly,  he declared it would do good to have a Dragon fly so close to the wall. The Wildings would see. Though Lord Plywell, who had been a close house to Winterfell, eager to return home along their travels, urged that the North did not require a southern, no as he said eastern (as the Targaryens were from the east originally), Dragon nor lady to protect them. Cregan slammed his fists down at the man's words. Before leaving to find Valaena.

He had planned to take her riding west into the godswood or east into the hills perhaps. They would return to fly to the wall on Dragonback. The trip would take only hours but he wished to reach Castle Black early, not after his men.

He and Valaena spoke little on their ride, as he had noticed she enjoyed the quiet sounds of birthsong much more than anything. The air was crisp and the leaves still green as they made their way past clearings and valleys.

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