Chapter Three

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Gabriel Agreste's limo pulled up in front of his mansion, and he walked into the huge house with Nathalie behind him, holding a clipboard, running through some of his upcoming plans.

"Anything else?" Gabriel asked.

"Your world-fashion interview, tomorrow, first thing." Nathalie replied.

"Fine." Gabriel said firmly, then later added. "Merci, Nathalie."

"Dinner?" Nathalie asked. "With your son, sir."

"No, I have work to do."

"He needs his father."

"And I'd appreciate if you minded your own business." Gabriel snapped. He pushed open the door to his office, entering and closing it behind him.

Nathalie let out a sad sigh and then glanced up when she heard footsteps on the stairs. Adrien had been eavesdropping on the conversation.

"I'm sorry, Adrien." Nathalie said sincerely.

"I know the drill." Adrien said sadly, and then he went up the stairs towards the room.

Nathalie looked up at the giant portrait of Adrien and his father in the hallway, and then let out another sigh, going to her own room.

Gabriel stood behind his desk, and then picked up a picture frame. In the picture, a younger Gabriel stood with his late wife, holding up a younger Adrien. The family looked so happy as they smiled brightly at the camera.

Adrian was looking at that same picture in his room, frowning slightly as he dropped the picture on the table.

Gabriel walked up to the window in his office, and then pulled the drapes closed.

Adrian walked out into the hallway connected to his room, and then looked up at a larger version of the family photo, hanging on the wall.

Gabriel walked over to one of the safes in his office, and then clicked it shut.

Stella stepped down from the train, waving goodbye to the women she chatted with everytime she rode home. Daniella and Carla were Latino ladies who owned a local saloon uptown, and they were always a delight to talk to because they always had one story or the other about the customers coming into their shop.

Stella looked up letting out a surprise gasp. Adrian was walking along the sidewalk, with his earphones plugged in. Stella tilted her head in confusion, wondering what he was doing downtown, and slowly followed after him.

Back at the mansion, Gabriel's fingers grazed a large portrait of his wife, and then he pushed some buttons hidden carefully in the photos.

Adrian stopped in front of an old theater that looked like it had been abandoned a long time. He walked in, going up to the stage, his fingers brushing the stage curtains. Looking up at the center of his stage, he sees his mom standing there. Emilie was so gorgeous, standing in her white gown as she waved to the audience, holding a bouquet as they applauded. Emilie turned to her right, seeing her son, and she smiled softly, stretching forth her hand towards him. Adrian sighed softly, reaching out to her. As soon as his hand connected with hers, she faded away, bringing Adrian back to the reality that it was just a memory. Then he noticed a flier on the floor that had his mom's picture.

"Paris Amor: Emilie Agreste." That was written clearly on the front of the flier.

Adrian bent to pick up the flier, sighing sadly.

"Happy birthday, Mom."


Adrian turned to see Stella standing behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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