Chap 22: Hacked

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~Anthony's POV~

"@SmoshIan asks 'Will you be my boyfriend?'" I look up at him to find he's just as surprised as I am. Weird. "Sure babe, I'd love to...b-but did you just come out? I mean I really appreciate it and everything but you should have atleast asked me-you know about if I was ready or not..." He shakes his head roughly and speaks urgently "I didn't post that." "What do you mean? I opened the account to make sure it was you and it is." He extends his hand towards me and I hand him the phone.
"See for yourself."
"Anthony, I did NOT post it."
"Then who did?!"
"I don't know okay? Maybe I was hacked or whatever - by some crazy shipper or something."
"Then change your password, clear things up with the fans. I'm not ready to reveal this" - I point at him and me - "yet. Their reactions could be unhealthy for our relationship."

~Ian's POV~

I nod in agreement. Anthony's right. At this point, when our fans have grown to be very fickle, we can't deal with more hate from ignorant homophobes. Even more importantly, like he mentioned, it's unhealthy for our relationship. I quickly log out and log in with my own account. Luckily for us, the "hacker" is a stupid one and didn't even bother to change the password. I think of what to tweet that would clear this confusion without raising much suspicion. But first I read some of the comments.

-Aww that's so cute #ianthony4life
-Fucking finally! Made us wait long enough... :D
-First a lunchtime, then this :P jk lol but I'm so happy ahhh
-Eww faggots
-The fact that @SmoshIan came out only a few days after THE law was passed is so cute and encouraging to other closeted peeps ^-^
-What is wrong with you @smoshanthony @SmoshIan?! Gross...smh
-Time to unsubscribe

I put the phone down and bury my face in my hands. Out of 9, only 3 were hate. That's a good thing I suppose. Anthony hugs me from behind for comfort and rests his chin on my shoulder. I sigh and turn my head to see a very worried looking Anthony, gazing intently at my face. He gives my hand a love squeeze and asks gently "What should we do? Do we tell them the truth?" "Both things we say will be the truth. My account was hacked but I do want you to be my boyfriend. Tell me, do you want to?" I smile timidly and he returns a bigger, sweeter smile. "Well duh you dork" and he kisses me - more passionataly and lovingly than he ever has. For a moment, all my worries vanish as I focus on my boyfriend's soft lips and skillful hands tracing small circles on my back.

After what seems like an eternity - a most blissful one - we pull away to catch our breaths. He's still grinning like an adorable idiot and when I whisper "I love you", he smiles wider if that's even possible. "Now go on, tweet it out, we don't want 'Ianthony' to be trending." "What should I say?"

~That Damn Time Skip~

It's been a few hours since I posted that tweet. "Sorry to break your hearts but my account was hacked (fuck you) and the last tweet should be ignored. You don't have to die now shippers". I didn't explicitly say that it's not true, nor did I delete the tweet. I mean it was how I got Anthony to be my boyfriend. It's kind of memorable - not much...but still.

It's around 8:30 pm and I'm back at my apartment. Today was a great day - that's all I'm thinking as I take a shower. When I'm done, I choose a pair of comfy sweatpants and remain shirtless because it's frickin hot. I refill Daisy's bowl and sit on the couch to finally read the comments on my tweet. They are as I expected them to be.

-Suuuuuuure ;)
-Yeah right :>
-you're kidding right? I already did my victory dance in front of people that called me a freak...fml o_O
-oh yeah? Then why haven't you deleted that tweet? *wink wink*
-Phew now I don't have to unsubscribe
-^do us all a favour and shut the hell up
-Goddamnit!! Y u do dis 2 my litle fangurl hert?!
-But then why haven't you deleted it?
-omg you were hacked!? That's awful! I hope you find the hacker soon :)

I put my phone away and sigh. I guess I'll have to delete the tweet...but I don't have to? Like it's my decision whether or not I want to. I don't owe them an explanation as to why I refuse to remove it. Whatever, I'll see. All of a sudden, I feel my eyelids getting heavy and before I know it, I fall into deep slumber.

Sorry for this crappy chapter :( I don't have any good ideas at the moment and I had to post something. Tell me, what do you prefer? A nice chapter that takes a long time or an okay one that is updated faster.

Also, I have over 2K reads?!?!?! Like how is that even possible ^^ I'm so grateful to everyone who's reading, commenting or voting :) you're the best and I love you guys <3 Byee!

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