Chap 19: Surprise?

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~Anthony's POV~

We make our way to my car and hop inside. "Where should we go?" I ask. "Let's take a little detour and talk while enjoying our 'long drive'". I smile in agreement and start the car. Ian breaks the silence first by asking " long?"

I feel my cheeks get hot and if it wasn't for the dark, my blush would be quite noticeable. "There wasn't any exact point. I was just...kinda missing you a lot and then I had that dream and I realised how much you mean to me." I turn to face him and he's looking up at me with doe eyes, a sweet smile plastered on his face.

"What happened in the dream?"
" died"
"What?! You killed me? Bastard" he yelled slightly in a mock-angry tone.
When I'm done laughing, I say "Anyways, what about you? You got so weirded out when I kissed you...what happened?"
"Alcohol makes you do weird stuff man"

I roll my eyes playfully and return my attention to the road. It's a beautiful night. We're driving alongside a beach and it's gorgeous. The swaying palm trees, the calming waves, the thought provoking sky full of stars, the isolation of this place from the busy city. "Woah" Ian whispers in admiration. Seeing it as the perfect moment, I intertwine our hands and drive in comfortable silence for the rest of our drive.

~Ian's POV~

Anthony stops the car in front of my place and looks at me expectantly. I peck him on the lips and feel him smile into the kiss before stepping out. "Bye Ian" he says lovingly and I can't help but blush. "Good night Anthony. I'll see you tomorrow" I reply and wave at him until he's out of sight. I'm a blushing mess by this point and as soon as I enter, Daisy greets me as always by licking my feet and jumping at my crotch. I change into an old Smosh t-shirt and pajama pants and get comfortable under the covers with Daisy lying at my feet. I think about my day, the party and most importantly Anthony. Anthony. My best friend and now my lover. I guess we're a thing now? I don't know. We probably are. Do we tell people? I don't know. Am I even bisexual? I have no idea. All I know is that I'm a straight male who just really loves his best friend. I feel my eyelids get heavy and fall asleep, dreaming about Anthony, our kiss and donuts.

०Next Morning०

~Ian's POV~

I wake up, hungover as expected. However I hadn't imagined it would be this bad. I did drink a lot last night but I felt so sober which was weird. Last night...Anthony. Not wanting to think about so much early in the morning, I sluggishly make my way to the kitchen and pop two Advils into my mouth. I press my fingers to my forehead with the hope that the pain would subside but nope. I eat cereal, pour food for Daisy and go to the bathroom to get ready. After brushing my teeth and a shower, I change into a green-ish shirt that Anthony once said looks beautiful with my eyes. I check my phone and uh oh. There's 2 new messages from Jaden.

J: Morning babe!
J: Wanna hang out ;)

I don't like the vibes of the winky face. Dammit I forgot about her. She's such a nice girl and I don't want to hurt her...what should I tell her?

I: Hey sorry I can't make it today :( got some work to do

I press send and wait. In the meantime I decide to text Anthony. Just the thought of him brings a smile to my face.

I: Yo bitch
A: Sup dick
I: What are your plans for today?
A: Nothing really, what about you
I: Same here :( wanna go somewhere fun ;)
A: No Ian we can't go to your Mom's house
I: Well I was thinking about the strip club but ok...
A: Aren't those the same things
I: -_- fuck you
A: You know you want to *smirk emoji*

I was kinda surprised by that reply to be honest. It's still really awkward to think about him like that. I mean he's my best friend and all and I'm not exactly attracted to any guys except Anthony.

I: You sound like a sexually unsatisfied horny teen who's trying too hard
A: No I don't >:|
I: Okay fine you don't :P
A: Pip misses you wanna come over?
I: You sure it's just Pip
A: Oh yeah see you later :)
I: Bye :)

I check the time - 11.59 am. Cool. But first I drive to the grocery store to buy Anthony those packaged watermelons that he loves. When I arrive at his apartment about 15 minutes later, I'm quite surprised by who I see.

Sorry that this chapter sucked :( I'm having writer's block. Btw I wrote a one-shot called "If Only" which is kinda short but nice (in my opinion). #ShamelessSelfPromotion

I was also wondering if you guys read on your phone or your computer/laptop. So I can use emojis Anyways thanks for reading and sorry for the crappy cliffhanger.

P.S. Did you see the Smosh guys' snapchat? Like what are they even doing! Whatever it gonna be HUGE!! So excited for that :) Byee!

No Homo (An Ianthony Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora