The Yeerks and the Helmacrons

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"Essam 111," I tapped his shoulder with my Ged hand. "There's a planet on the horizon. We're detecting life forms, although they appear very small. There are radio-waves as well."

Essam 111 swiveled his Hork-Bajir head toward the viewscreen, his expression a mix of curiosity and cautious interest. "Life forms? Small ones, you say?" He adjusted the scanners with his razor-arms, zooming in on the distant planet. "Radio-waves too? Fascinating." His voice buzzed with excitement, a contrast to the usual monotone of Yeerk communication. "Prepare the Bug-Fighter for approach. We must investigate these beings further."

As we descended through the atmosphere of the green and brown planet, the world below revealed itself. Forests stretched out like emerald seas, and sprawling cities twinkled with artificial lights. Cities that seemed far too large to be homes to insects. Our sensors locked onto a bustling metropolis, detecting the source of the radio-waves. "There," I pointed with my hand. "The signals are coming from that tower structure."

Essam quivered in excitement at the prospect of finding an infestable species. "Proceed with caution," he instructed the crew. "We know nothing of these creatures or their capabilities. Maintain stealth protocols." The Bug Fighter drifted silently through the alien sky, unseen by the bustling inhabitants below. Just as the sensors had said, they were only about a sixth of an inch tall.

"Are there any larger life-forms, Siplin 26?" Essam 111 asked me.

"According to the senses, no." I said, with disappointment lacing my own tone. My words came out garbled from the Ged's mouth. I secretly longed for a Hork-Bajir body like Essam, but I was a lowly rank. There were so few hosts, and our search through space was proving futile. However, there was word of the discovery of a class-five species. If they were any good, I might get a better host body. But that was just a fable, at least for now.

Essam 111 nodded, his angular Hork-Bajir features thoughtful as he processed the information. "No larger life-forms," he mused, his voice a low rumble. "Interesting. It seems these beings are our first encounter of such scale." His gaze shifted back to the cityscape below, his eyes gleaming with a mix of excitement and determination. "We proceed cautiously, but we must learn all we can about them. Every detail could be crucial. It is strange they have such large buildings for such small people."

I glanced at Essam, silently echoing his enthusiasm while grappling with my own yearning for a more formidable host form. As a Ged, my options were limited, and the prospect of acquiring a Hork-Bajir or other more capable body fueled a spark of hope within me. "I'll continue monitoring their communications," I offered. The voices were faint but translatable, their language surprisingly complex given their size.

Essam's bladed arms flexed with anticipation. "Good," he replied, his gaze fixed on the tower structure where the radio signals originated. "Let us gather as much intelligence as possible before making any decisions." He turned to me, his expression a mixture of determination and camaraderie. "Siplin 26, this could be the breakthrough we've been searching for. If not hosts, this could be a viable planet for us to live on."

There was a brief pause as me, the second-in-command, and Essam, in-command, contemplated the future of the planet. The rest of the crew maintained steady controls as we toured the planet, gliding over the vast silver cities and the tiny bustling creatures.

"I'm picking up small flying objects on radar," The radar operator said. "They appear to be equipped with small phasers, but nothing our force-fields cannot handle."

"Aerial transportation?" I suggested.

"Then why the weapons?" Tokin 177B asked from beside me. "Should I fire?"

"Yes," Essam instructed, "Fire at will."

A small fleet of one pound ships began to close-in on us. Tokin fired up the Dracon beams and began to shred them, one after another as they began to chase us. I began to pick something up on communications.

"Captain, it appears that they are attempting communication. Should I enable the translators?"

"Yes. Tokin 177B, hold your fire. We need to see how intelligent the life-forms are, and how formidable they will be."

"WE! ARE! THE! HELMACRONS!" Voices screamed at amplified volume from the speaker. Essam covered his Hork-Bajir ears and I quickly turned down the volume. "SURRENDER NOW OR DIE! WE ARE THE HELMACRONS AND WE RULE THIS GALAXY! INTRUDERS, PREPARE FOR YOUR LIVES TO END AND FOR TORTURE TO EMMENSE!"

The weapons officer, Essam 100A, twitched its Taxxon antenna nervously. But the captain merely snorted.

"Obliterate them. We have no use for their bodies."

Essam 100A of the Ceklar Pool once again fired the Dracon beams, shredding five Helmacron ships at once. Once fifty, now forty. But then, out of nowhere, thousands of Helmacron ships began to fly out of the rooftops. The reason for such large buildings? To contain millions upon millions of tiny ships.

"My sensors are saying there are over 100,000 ships closing in on us! Essam, I don't think we can fight that many."

"Nonsense, we are Yeerks, and they are mere pests. OBLITERATE THEM!"

"Sir, I think we should—" I suggested, but he interrupted me.


We were still being swarmed, and while our weapons officers were expertly firing and killing hundreds at a time, it made no impact. Still, the commander insisted we press on.

"Engines full power! Destroy them in the flames!"

The Helmacrons were swiftly dodging the engines, and now we could see nothing but tiny ships buzzing and swarming like miniature Bug-Fighters.

"They've destroyed the shields!" Tokin shouted. Tokin 26 and Essam 100A were now both using all the weapons we had. One by one my senses began to fail, and I sent out a fleeting message before we crashed into the planet.

"Yeerks, it appears this planet is unhabit-" I could say no more, for the ground was rapidly approaching. I closed my eyes and dreamed of having a Hork-Bajir body, to be strong and powerful, and then all went black.


989 Words! I got this idea from Reddit but I'm sorry I forgot the username of the person who suggested it. Thank you so much for reading this short idea! Let me know if you want an alternate version of this.

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