[A Balance of Good and Evil] Marco x Nice Rachel (Part One)

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This story is going to be based off the following quotes, and then everything else is an alternate timeline! I recommend reading Animorphs 32 to understand why there are two Rachel's, but you'll probably understand even without. Enjoy <3

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Marco's POV

"It didn't work!" Jake exclaimed, and bit his thumb. "If the Chee can't revert the Rachel's, that means..."

<It appears they're permanently stuck that way,> Ax concluded. <It seems we must make do with this new problem.>

I decided to crack a joke, "I guess we've got double-trouble forever now—twice the Rachel means twice the level of hotness." I let out a fake-moan.

"Shut up before I kick your butt!" Mean Rachel shouted, curling her hand into a fist.

"You can kiss my—" I began, but Mean Rachel came hurtling at me with her fist now, and I quickly dodged the attack and side-stepped her. "Geez, no need to be so rude!"

Jake sighed and furrowed his brow, "Ax, restrain her please." With effortless grace, Ax brought his tail-blade up and placed it at Mean Rachel's throat.

"I'll kill you all!" She screamed. "Starting with him!" She jabbed a finger in my face.

<We get the point,> Tobias muttered. <Seeing as Mean Rachel isn't sane, Nice Rachel should be the one to live her normal life. Mean Rachel can live with me and Ax in the forest.>

<Don't tell me what to do!> She screamed fruitlessly. <How am I meant to survive? Eating mice and grass?!?> Tobias seemed mildly hurt for a moment, but then ignored the comment.

"Perhaps she could become a nothlit?" Cassie suggested. "A bird of prey, like Tobias?"

<Just not an eagle,> Tobias grumbled. <She'd tear me to pieces.>

Nice Rachel appeared troubled, and I decided to take the opportunity. She was standing in the corner, twiddling her thumbs.

"Hey," I whispered. "How about we ditch this place and the drama-fest and go back to mine until they figure it out?" I said it half-hazardly, almost kidding.

"Sure," She whispered back. Cassie and Mean Rachel began arguing over her future as the two of us slipped out the barn doors. Tobias, perched in the rafters, gave us a sideways glance but said nothing. I'd have to thank him for that one later.

When we got to my house, I was relieved my father was still out late, working. I flopped onto the couch, and Nice Rachel delicately sat down next to me. She was wearing a really preppy outfit, with a white skirt, checkered converse, and a crop-top. It was a harsh contrast to Mean Rachel, who while also having style, was wearing ripped clothing.

"What do you wanna watch?" I asked casually, turning up my charm to the max.

"Uhm, whatever you want to," She brushed a strand of hair out of her face. She seemed a little uncomfortable. I flipped through until I got to the Power-Puff Girl marathon that was streaming.

"I'll get some snacks," I offered, and came back halfway through the episode with a bowl of popcorn. "What's going on?"

"I... wasn't really paying attention to the show," She admitted, blush crawling up her cheeks.

"What were you paying attention to then?" A smirk tugged at the corner of my lips. 'Play it cool Marco, play it cool.' I thought to myself, but in reality my heart was hammering.

"You," She replied softly, "You know you have really cute hair."

"Really?" I grinned, "Everyone else hates it." I gingerly ate some popcorn.

"Well, I don't." She inched her way closer to me, and turned off the TV. Her voice got low, "What do you want to do now?"

"Uh..." I hadn't been prepared to make it this far, what are you even supposed to do?

"Here," She leaned closer, "I have an idea of what I want to do next." Her soft lips brushed against mine, and I returned the kiss. Sort of instinctively, and a bit awkwardly, I pulled her onto my lap. Nice Rachel was a duplicate of regular Rachel, so she was a lot taller than me. A lot. But at that moment it didn't really matter.

She deepened the kiss, and put pressure...in a certain place. 'No no no this can't be happening right now!!!!' I was silently screaming. Maybe she wouldn't notice.

Oh. She definitely noticed.

She looked down and smiled a little mischievously.

"Uhm..." I mumbled, "I'm going to use the restroom."

She got off me, and settled back onto the sofa, nonchalantly picking up the remote and flipping through channels. She giggled, "Take your time."

"Yup!!!!" I shouted quickly and raced into the bathroom.  

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