[A Balance of Good and Evil] Marco x Nice Rachel Part 2

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<We have excellent news!> Ax announced. <Me and the Chee have discovered that when you warp Z-Space and apply it by a factor of—>

<Get to the point,> Jake said tolerantly.

<Of course, Prince Jake. I shall put it into your Earth terms. Erik and I have found a way to once again combine the two Rachels into one.>

I swallowed, what did he just say? It'd been a month since me and Nice Rachel had made it official, so this was... unexpected. So far things had been going better than we'd thought, with Nice Rachel working on school life and Mean Rachel helping us on missions (although there were mishaps with her behavior).

"But..." I began, "They're separate people now." Cassie would be the most likely to understand so I began to plead with her. "We can't just merge them back together again!"

"It's okay," Nice Rachel smiled, "I don't mind. We both need the other half, and things can get back to normal again."

But what if I don't want things to go back to normal?

"If that's what you want," I said a bit more bitterly than I'd anticipated.

<I don't understand why your so upset, Marco.> Tobias asked. You're not the one losing your girlfriend.

"I'm not upset," I lied.

<We shall begin the procedure later on this afternoon, Erik must bring his equipment from underground.> Ax left the barn, and Tobias fluttered after him. Mean Rachel, who hadn't said anything, followed them in her Horned Owl morph.

"Do you want to talk?" Cassie whispered, "I can tell you're upset." My heart fell, and I didn't reply. Nice Rachel strode up from behind me as we left the barn.

"Would you like to take one last flight together?" She asked, "Or maybe we could swim as dolphins?"

"I shouldn't have let myself get attached," I shot back coldly. "It was never going to work out. Of course they found a way, I was an idiot to think they wouldn't."

Hurt, Nice Rachel stopped following me, and I headed back to my house. There was a math test I should be studying for, but no, I was sulking over my girlfriend breaking up with me. I felt like a normal teenager for a split second, but then realized that she was merging back together, not moving to another state.

Would she remember our time spent together? Would she go back to Tobias? Because I was always second to him, wasn't I?

Twilight fell, and I told my dad I was going to hang out with Jake. Part of that was true, but really I was about to watch a freak-show.

When I got there, Mean Rachel was placing her hand on a device. Nice Rachel looked nervous, and our eyes met. I took a deep breath, and tried to look reassuring. This was supposed to happen, it had to happen.

She placed her hand on the sphere, and Erik instructed them to morph human rather than into a starfish. Their bodies began to blend together, their skin melting and morphing into one another until all that was left was a singular Rachel. It was one of the freakier morphs that I'd seen, but nothing compared to morphing a fly.

"Are you feeling alright?" Cassie asked. For a moment Rachel looked like she wanted to hurl, but then steadied herself.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Glad to be back to normal."

<That's good news,> Tobias replied. <Would you like to ride some thermals tomorrow?>

It seemed like forever before she replied, and I waited in anticipation.

<Sure, sounds good. But for right now I think I just want to head off to sleep.>

Our group dispersed, and I tapped Rachel on the shoulder once everyone else left the barn, and Tobias had flown out of ear-shot.


"Yeah. Listen, I'm sorry, okay, things are really confusing—"

"It's fine." I interrupted, begging not to hear anymore. I didn't want to cry, especially not in front of her.

"We're friends, right? I mean we're still in this together, Animorphs forever? Let's do it?"

"Of course," I said, it didn't sound very convincing. "See you at school tomorrow."

"See you!" She called after me, but I had already turned away, tears streaming down my face.


I hope you really enjoyed this two-parter. I actually cried while writing this so forgive me if its a little short I'm so dramatic. Lemme know what you want to see next!

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