chapter seven - flirt

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Tuesday, November 16th, 5:03 am

      I normally woke up around this time — I always felt the need to dedicate an hour or two to just some alone time. I felt like I needed to mentally prepare every morning for school — it didn't matter that I had to go everyday, what did matter was the fact that every morning before school even started, I was praying nothing would go wrong. I prayed that it would be a good day, that I wouldn't feel so... tired.

Aliyah and Markus were snoring like crazy each time I woke up. They were forced to share a room for now until Mom and Dad cleared out the guest bedroom that was packed with some stuff that has yet to be unboxed.

I forced myself out of bed and walked to the bathroom that was just down the hall. I let out a small breath that I didn't know I was holding when I turned the shower on. Call me crazy or weird, but showers were an escape. An escape from reality and how bad you feel outside of everything.

Showering made me feel good — I felt at peace and it was like no one could ruin that for me. Sometimes, I could spend up to hours in the shower. Sure I'd get in trouble for being in there for too long and sometimes my skin would get kinda pruny from being in the water for too long, but I didn't care. I had clarity in my mind. My heartbeat would calm down and I wasn't as shaken.

Stripping out of my clothes, I glanced down at my body while awaiting for the shower to warm up. No one knew I was born intersex — except my family. I've been outed one too many times by people I thought I could trust, but I guess I couldn't. I didn't know how well I could trust my new group of friends. They were so sweet and funny and they actually included me in things.

I wanted to trust them. Soon, not yet, but soon. I knew I could.

The warm water trickled down my back. It was around winter so the sun arose later than usual. I could take a guess and say it's almost 5:30. I made sure to wash everywhere on my body before washing my hair, I turned the water off and grabbed my towel from the hook that was near the curtain.

I wrapped it around my slim body. I didn't know if I was comfortable in my body. I've always been told about how slim I am and how people would make jokes about me being the only one to slip past something because I was skinny.

I didn't know how to feel about those comments. I still don't.

I walked back to my bedroom and smiled slightly when I realized everyone was still resting peacefully in their beds. I closed my door quietly before walking towards my closet; I took out a baggy pair of grey sweats and a custom made sweater that had my initials on it and my lucky number on the back.

I collapsed back against my bed once more after drying my hair. My curtains were now pushed open so I could watch the sunrise. My headphones took place on my head, music blasting through my ears. Various songs like Teenage Dream by Stephen Dawes, In My Room by Insane Clown Posse, to Burn It Down by Linkin Park started playing. I didn't have a particular music genre that I listened too — it truly varied, I could listen to all different kinds. My playlist could be the definition of a bipolar album.

My phone began to buzz from in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw Y/n calling me at around 6:03 in the morning. I didn't hesitate to answer. "Hi." My voice sounded shyer than normal — I internally cursed myself for that.

She let out the cutest giggle ever, "Hey, Jen. Sorry to wake you at such an early time in the morning, but I need your advice." I smiled and nodded my head even if she couldn't see.


Y/n shuffled around in the background. "Today is supposed to be chilly so which hoodie should I wear? The one I stole from you, that you now know about, or the one that has Garfield sleeping on it?"

I couldn't help the blush that formed on my neck and rose up to reach my ears. "You stole a hoodie from me? When?" I asked softly.

"You had it in your backpack so I just snatched it when we were leaving the mall on Sunday." So, that's where my hoodie went. I just assumed one of my friends had it — I would've never guessed Y/n just took it. "Is that okay...?"

Her hesitant question jumped me out my thoughts, she sounded almost fearful of my reaction. "I think... it's adorable." I spoke slowly and truthfully. There was not a single lie in the world that I could tell Y/n, I couldn't dream of telling her anything but the truth.

"Thanks, Jen." She giggled. So many people have called me 'Jen' but it hit different when Y/n said it. The way it easily rolled off her tongue, in a way, it sounded extremely hot. It made me glance at the painting of her. It was going well — I still had a few paint strokes to add on but I was actually proud of it.

"But, to answer your question, I would definitely say my hoodie. I bet you'd look even more beautiful." I don't know what sudden boldness possessed me to say that, but I didn't regret it one bit. I heard Y/n go silent for a minute before she stuttered over her words in a flustered manner.

"O-okay, Jenna, t-thanks." She giggled nervously while I fiddled with the end of my shirt, the biggest grin forming on my face. "I'm gonna go, get dressed, and I'll call you back." I was nodding along with her words. I was about to say bye when the words got stuck in my throat when she said this, "Oh, and you should flirt with me more often. It's hot, Ortega."

With that, I was a stuttering mess now. Y/n obviously heard and laughed wholeheartedly. I heard her blow me a kiss before hanging the phone up. I set my down beside me, shock overcame my body.

Flirting is the next step, right? Yeah... yeah, I'm on the right track.

NEW GIRL | Jenna Ortega (G!P)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن