chapter three - the idea

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Friday, November 12th, 2:34pm

      I've been super lucky to have Y/n has my sort of protector for this school. She's explained how there are many bullies around here, the most common being; Andre Keene and Holly Jones. Ironically enough, they are the schools IT couple. Bleh.

Anyway, Y/n was kind enough to take me under her wing and I was even more lucky when her friends became my friends. We've been hanging all week and I have to say, the first week here hasn't been bad. Currently I was seated between Conan and Lance, we were sharing some of Emma's homemade trail mix that she brought to school. It consisted of honey roasted peanuts, salted cashews, M&M's, some pretzels, and yogurt covered raisins. It was actually really good.

"I swear, Mr. Goodman is such a homophobe." Madison scoffed as she popped a bright, red strawberry in her mouth. "Olivia and I aren't dating but like if we wanna hold hands then we'll hold hands, you know? But nooooo, he had to confront us in front of the whole class."

"It was embarrassing." Olivia recalled and sank back into her chair, grabbing the strings of her hoodie to hide her face in it. I smiled slightly, she was a shy one like me but when she wanted to be, she could be pretty wild.

"Are we still on for the skatepark tomorrow?" Y/n broke the silence that followed Olivia's statement. Apparently we're all going to some super cool skatepark that Y/n has been going to ever since she was a kid. Everyone had a job. Lance would bring two skateboards; since not all of us are skaters, we don't need everyone to bring a board each so they're only bringing two so we can take turns for those who would like too. Conan will bring the safety gear, Madison is on refreshments since she works at the Wetzel's Pretzel's in the mall, Olivia is bringing her first aid kit, Emma will bring her trail mix, Y/n will be bringing money for some of the stores around there, Gracie was just tagging along with Conan and I'm in charge of bringing myself. Since I'm new and all, they haven't quite figured out my role yet.


"For sure."


A chorus of positive responses circled around the table, me included, as we all confirmed tomorrow's plans. We would be leaving around 8 in the morning to get there around 8:30, it would be about a 30 minute walk. The earlier the better is what Y/n said.

Sadly our free period bell rang and it was time to head to the last class of the day which for me and Y/n was art. Y/n was quick to snatch my arm and pull me away from the group to lead me to our classroom, when we walked in, I took my spot beside her in the left, center of the class. We sat at these giant, industrial sized metal desks that were specifically designed for art classes. We did make a mess on Wednesday when we were told to paint our favorite thing. Y/n painted a skateboard and I painted a dog (simply because I didn't have enough time to think long and hard about what I like).

"Afternoon, class." Mrs. Montana clapped her hands together to capture our attention and quiet down the chatter. "Today we will start a project that will carry us out till next Friday. You will be doing a painting of someone that inspires you." She picked up a few canvases and began to pass them around to each of us. "Use many different colors, techniques if possible, and make sure to write a 5-6 sentence paragraph explaining why this person inspires you."

Y/n eyed the empty canvas, her mind probably wondering about who to paint. I sucked at painting, actually, so it was going to be hard to try and paint whoever I think of. I turned my head to completely face Y/n and that's when it clicked in my head. Without the Y/H/C girl noticing, I grabbed my phone from my backpack and texted Emma.


Do you happen to have
a picture of Y/n?

I do, why??

I need it for a project

Mh okay, sure :)
Sent a photo.

Thanks, Em

No prob, Jen

I opened the photo and practically gawked at the girl who was sitting right beside me. It was a picture of her standing at the top of a skate ramp with her board in her hands, held up high in the air. A cute, little grin took place on her perfect lips. She wore some light blue, distressed jeans with a Santa Cruz shirt over a white long sleeve. A cross necklace took place around her neck and the entire outfit was pulled together with her checkered vans. She looks so perfect, so cute, and so beautiful. It looks like a pretty recent photo too. Thank you, Emma.

I slid my phone back into my backpack before Y/n noticed and focused my attention back on the front of the class when Mrs. Montana began to show pictures of some examples of students work in the past. Y/n nudged my arm with a curious look in her eyes when I turned to her. "Do you know who you're painting?"

A smile slowly rose on my face, making Y/n smile in confusion. "Yes... but it's a surprise." I soon smirked and tilted my head when Y/n playfully squinted her eyes at me. Who knows? Maybe she'll like the painting.

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