chapter four - skatepark

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Saturday, November 13th, 8:04am

      It was a pretty early morning for me but I didn't mind it too much. The first thing I did when I woke up at around 7 am was shower and eat some breakfast. Now I'm standing in front of my closet in onto my boxers and sports bra trying to figure out what to wear.

I quickly grab my phone from the nightstand and unplug it. I dial Y/n's number and she's quick to pick it up after the third ring. "What's up, Jenna?" I hear shuffling from the other side and I'm able to decipher that she's getting ready as well.

"I need help figuring out what to wear." My words flew out of my mouth quicker than I had hoped. Or made me sound more desperate and if I sounded desperate, I feel a little weak. Y/n spent around 15 minutes to direct me on what to wear and when we finished, she hung up and let me change. I was wearing dark blue, parachute pants with a white puma shirt on that matched with my shoes.

I exited my house after slipping on a black, lightweight flannel and my backpack. My phone was tucked away in my pocket with one of my earbuds from my wired headphones was in my ear. I spotted Olivia exiting her house from across the street, just a few more houses down. "Morning, Jenna." She approached me after stuffing all her medical supplies into her bag. She wore an oversized hoodie with black leggings and her high top converse.

"Morning, Liv." I waved to her and we began to walk together to the skatepark until Madison accompanied our side. "Do you guys do this as a weekly thing or...?" I asked, trying to make conversation between the three of us and break this awkward silence. Ever since Madison showed up, Olivia has been... quiet. Too quiet.

"It used to be, but then we got busy so we made it a monthly thing." Madison quickly explained, tucking her hands in the pockets of her baggy, jean shorts. "And now you're the lucky one that gets to tag along with us." She chuckled and nudged my shoulder playfully which also made me chuckle alongside her.

"D-do you skate, Jenna?" Olivia broke her silence — she clutched the med kit tight in her hands. Her body tensed up a little when Madison placed her arm around the smaller girl's shoulders.

"No, but I'd like to learn." I confessed and it was true. I started to imagine what it would be like if Y/n was my skate teacher. Speaking of Y/n, I did get a head start on my painting of her the other day. I was painting for around 6 straight hours. I'm not joking when I say that this will take me all three weeks to complete. Everything needs to be perfect like her.

I'm also not joking when I say that I just might kill myself if she's not all that interested in it.

We finally arrived at the park and the sun was slightly tucked away behind the clouds, giving us the perfect temperature for skating. Y/n was laid down on the grass beside her skateboard, Lance was scouting the area from up above a railing, Conan was talking his head off with Gracie, and Emma was chugging water bottle after water bottle.

"Jenna." Y/n's angelic voice calls for me. I immediately turn to her while Olivia and Madison make their way over to Gracie. I run up to the taller girl who stands up from the grass, dusting her bottom off for any dirt. "You wanna learn how to skate?"

I nodded my head a little eagerly and she caught my hand, dragging me over to one of the half pipes. Olivia ran up to us with two helmets in her hands, knee and elbow pads tucked away inside them. "Put these on before you break a bone or something." Y/n just laughed softly at her genuine concern. Olivia truly was a sweetheart.

I quickly snapped the buckle of the helmet under my chin after Y/n helped me with the elbow and knee pads. She grabbed her board from the ground and set it up on a flat surface of concrete. If I fall, lord, please promise that I won't crack my skull open.

"Now, because you are a beginner, I won't let you go unless you want me to." Y/n softly instructed and grabbed ahold of both of my hands, helping me onto the board. Once my feet were both grounded on both sides of it, she looked me in the eyes with a small smile. "Get the feel of what it's like to be on the board. Is it shaky? Maybe unstable? Perfectly balanced?"

"It feels... normal?" I answered a bit unsurely, making the girl in front of me laugh.

"Okay, that's fine." She never let go of my hands once. "Let's see how it feels when the board is moving." I trusted her with everything in me — even though I had only just met her about a week ago. Y/n slowly walked with the board, forcing it to wheel out. I got a little nervous and scared at first so I wobbled, but never fell since Y/n caught me all the time. "There you go! You're a natural." She chuckled and clapped her hands proudly.

I blushed unwillingly and hopped off the board. Y/n picked it up as we both walked over to the group who was splitting some of the pretzels that Madison had packed away in her picnic basket. "To Jenna." Emma raised her glass of lemonade, looking at me with a grin. "Welcome to gang."

"Whoop whoop." Conan playfully cheered and smiled at me while we all laughed and cheered as well. Y/n nudged me and we both gulped our cups of lemonade down at the same time.

"Good to be here." I whispered to myself before I caught myself slightly staring at Y/n who talked passionately about a few new skate tricks she picked up on to Lance.

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