chapter five - a confession

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Saturday, November 13th, 1:45 pm

We spent around a good 5 hours at the skatepark — it was the perfect weather that we just couldn't leave. I was currently walking home with Olivia and Y/n, Lance caught a ride home with Conan, Gracie and Madison went to work and Emma had plans with her sisters afterward so that's where she went.

I could see Olivia holding in something, it looked like it was physically tearing her apart to keep locked inside her. "Have you ever thought of dying your hair Jenna? Black would like wonderful on you, but you also rock brunette. Ooh, would you look good as a redhead?" Y/n rambled on and on cutely, making me smile and get lost in the sound of her voice. "Liv, what do you think? Black, brown, or red? Or anything else!"

"Fuck it." Olivia whispered to herself, causing Y/n and I to halt in our path and turn to the girl. She looked like she was contemplating all her life decisions. "God, I can't take it anymore. I'm in love with Madison and yes, the Madison Beer in our friend group! I couldn't hold that in anymore and it feels so good to get it out in the open. Holy fuckery!"

I shared a look with Y/n who just smiled knowingly at Olivia. "Liv, I know. I've known for a long time." Her words shocked the other girl, her jaw dropped before letting out a small chuckle.

"Did I... did I make it obvious?" She slightly grimaced, scratching the back of her neck sheepishly.

"You kinda gawk at her." Y/n smirked and playfully nudged the girl who had been feeling flushed this entire time. "It's cute how much you adore her. I say go for it."

"But, I thought she was talking to some guy?" This conversation is obviously based on things from long ago, when I wasn't a part of the groups. I walked a few steps behind them and got lost in my thoughts. The painting of Y/n is really coming along. The theme I chose were cool colors because I feel like she gives off a cool, calming aura. So, everything is mostly colors or shades of green, purple, and blue. I made sure to also really captains her facial features in the painting — she looked almost as beautiful as she does in real life.

"Jenna." Y/n's voice snapped me out of my trance. I immediately looked at her and noticed that Olivia was gone. She must've went home. "I'll walk you home, come on." She grabbed my bicep again and we walked in a quiet yet comfortable silence to my house, which was only 5 minutes away from Olivia's.

When we approached my front door, I could hear my family on the otherwise playing Mario Kart. It was a dangerous game to play as a family. "I'll see you tomorrow?" I looked at Y/n with a smile.

She chuckled and nodded her head, releasing her grip on my bicep. I immediately missed her touch. "Definitely." Y/n spontaneously and surprisingly pulled me in for a small hug. I stood shocked for a moment before quickly hugging her back so she didn't feel awkward about it. "Bye, Jenna." The beautiful girl waved to me. I stared at her with a dreamy look on my face as she walked down the street to go home herself. I turned around and jumped with a small shriek when my mom stood directly behind me, a small smile on her face.

"Jesus, mom, what was that for?" I placed a hand over my heart in surprise.

"You like her." My mom stated knowingly. My eyes widened. Was I that obvious? "I can tell. She's a pretty girl, super sweet. You should ask her out." Mom kisses my cheek before walking back inside, still leaving me in shock from when she scared me, but also when she just immediately pieced the puzzle together that I had a big crush on Y/n.

Maybe I should ask her out. I need advice for sure, and I think I know where to go to get it.

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