Beacon of My Path

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In the shadows, I've been dwelling, lost in the night so long,
A heart locked away, in silence, without a hope or song.
The world spun on outside, but inside, time stood still,
In the darkness, I was king of a kingdom with no thrill.

But then she came, like dawn's first light, breaking through my night,
With eyes that shone, like stars above, making all so bright.
She brought the warmth, I never knew, a flame that felt so right,
And in her gaze, I found my way out of the endless night.

I kept my heart behind walls, too scared to let it beat,
But her smile, like a key, made every fear retreat.
I resisted the change, clung to my lonely sphere,
Yet her presence was a balm, to every hidden tear.

And then one day, by divine might, she was placed in my life's frame,
A beacon sent from heavens high, to end my silent game.
Her beauty more than just her eyes, it's in the love she gave,
A love so pure, it pierced my night, and led me from the grave.

She came to me, with open arms, and a heart that never lies,
Her touch, a promise of new days, beneath the open skies.
With her, the darkness fades away, and I feel the sun's embrace,
Together we step into the light, in a never-ending grace.

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