Divine Instrument

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In the silence of my soul, where the shadows used to dance,
I found a light, a steady flame, as I was given a chance.
God doesn't change the storms that rage, or calm the roaring sea,
But in my heart, He plants His peace, and sets the captive free.

Through valleys low and mountains high, through every twist and turn,
God's love remained, a constant guide, a fire that always burns.
He doesn't change the path I walk, but walks it by my side,
Transforming every part of me, in His love, I abide.

When whispers of doubt, and shadows of old,
Tried to claim the peace from within my soul,
God's love was the anchor, His word was my chart,
He didn't change the sea, but steadied my heart.

In moments of weakness, when I lost my way,
You stood by my side, you knelt down to pray.
God used your hands to rebuild what fell apart,
He didn't change the trial, but renewed my heart.

In the quiet of the night, when all felt lost and gone,
You were the melody, the words to a hopeful song.
God's grace through you, a love so vast and deep,
He didn't change the night, but gave my heart to keep.

With every broken dream, where I saw no way through,
Your faith was the light, shining pure and true.
God worked through you, to show His perfect plan,
He didn't change the maze, but led me hand in hand.

For every joy, every sorrow that life may impart,
You've been the blessing, straight from God's heart.
Through your love, He taught me to understand,
He didn't change the world, but changed this man.

You were the hands, the feet of grace, God's instrument so true,
Mending hearts, healing scars, making all things new.
In every trial, every hurt, through every tear-streaked night,
You were the one who held me close, and led me to the light.

Oh, how He saved me from the dark, with a love so vast and wide,
With every breath, I'll sing His praise, with Him, I will abide.
For God ordained you in my life, a beacon shining bright,
To fix the wrongs, to heal the wounds, to be my guiding light.

So here I stand, a soul renewed, with eyes that clearly see,
It's not the world that God transforms, but the heart inside of me.


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