Theo doesn't respond he just stands there seeing the girl in front of him .She didn't go through what he had to .If she had  gone through the same will she be able to tell him the same .Standing in front of him looking at him with her beautiful green eyes and charming smile which Theo had started to get lost in .

"Kathryn where were you , Mrs Ruth is looking for you, come with me ."  Daniel said. Before  Kathy could react  Daniel takes her hand and started walking away. As she was  walking Kathy looked back at Theo .

Theo felt his face reddening . Who is he to take her away. Holding her hand like that without any warning.

Theo was seating alone and listening to music. When kathy taps his shoulder .Theo looks at her he was shocked. She was crying almost.

" What happened? , is everything alright?.

kathy sniff " uh Mary she is missing, I don't know where she went, I am so scared Theo please help me find her ".

" Ok ok calm down we.. we will find her, Mary the blonde hair girl in that unicorn T-shirt? "

" Yes yes, they were playing nearby and they said Mary went to bring a toy from her tent but when she didn't come back they went to find her and she was missing ".

" Ok ok come with me , They switch on their Torches ".

As they went far from the camp.

" I would go this you look that way"kathy says.

As she started walking the other way.

" Please be careful Kathryn ".

She  nodded.

Theo goes a little further and sees Mary seating there Seating on tree branch . He sigh in relief.

" Found you princess, now time to go back and play with the rest of your friends ".

Mary gets shocked hearing him .And then says with determination in her eyes "I don't want to go back ".

Theo sits beside her " Seems like you like this place ok how about we sit here for 5 more minutes and then go back ".

" No no no , I will not go back ".

" Why is that  ? " Theo asked

Mary doesn't answer.

" Everyone is getting worried Kathryn is almost crying ".

" She is my favourite I love her  ".

Theo smiled " Then Let's get back to her"

" No " .

" Ok we will sit here together then ".

" You and Kathryn are similar ".

Theo gave her a questionable look.

" She never forces us to do anything ".

Theo smile " Is that so ".

" Why do you always look at her like this "?

Theo felt his face filled with shame.

" How? I don't look at her ".

" Kathryn says we shouldn't lie unnecessarily ".

Theo couldn't bring himself to say anything.

" My best friend Fred is getting adopted and he will move far away and this is the last time we will ever live together. I don't want to say goodbye to him but I will never tell that that  .

Theo secretly let out a giggle.

" I am sorry . I know it's hard but I know you are happy for him to get adopted right? Theo smiled at her .

She smiled back.

" And I don't he will ever forget you, first because you are beautiful...

she smiled but didn't look at Theo .

"And because you grew up together, you guys have such good memories, he will never forget you are his best friend and the one we love always stay in our heart and no power can ever take that away. ".

" Will I always be in his heart?".

" Always. I promise ".

" Now we will go back and you will spend all your time giving him memories that he will carry with him for the rest of his life no matter where he goes ".

The jumps up straight "I will, I will ".

" Then let's go princess ".

As they were walking, Kathy saw them. She runs to her calling name. She also runs to her " Kathryn !! ".

Kathy takes her into her arms and hugged her " Mary where did you go ,I was so so scared ". Kathy says stroking her hair.

" Kathryn Fred will never leave me "

" Huh I didn't quite understand love ".

"He said the one we love always stay in our heart and no power can ever take that away. ". Mary said pointing at Theo

Kathy smiled " Of course " Kathy said looking at with a thankful look .

Mary gets down "I have to go now I have to give him memories ".

Mary runs to the other side of the tents.

Kathy look at her eyes a little puffy due to crying.

She comes closer to him .

" Don't worry now she is fine ".

" Thank you, Thank you very much, you found her and even made her happy,She was so upset for Fred ,I tried many times but couldn't do it like you do really have magic Theo ".she said with crying voice

" Oh Come...".

she  hugged him .

Thank you to everyone for reading hope you enjoyed, have a great day or night.

Happy reading

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