Chapter 12

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So much happening. I don't know how to write this. I feel so frustrated. I was away for two nights .Lavender and I had a fight before I left. She told me that she doesn't want to go anymore because Mr Edward's treatment makes her uncomfortable when she talks to  him he makes her remember her abusivechildhood and she feels as though she has to live her childhood again . That's bound to happen. To help her recover  I know she has so much past trauma her  father used to a^use her and her mother.  While saving her her mother m*rder her father .

I can't never say that I will fully understand her but I am trying my best.
I wish I could do more. I wish I had machine to make her forget her awful past and filled it with good memories.
The next night I was gone . She fell severely ill . Thank god for Claire that she could come and help Lavender. When I reached there. Lavender looked so pale. But she kept apologiesin .I cried and told her I am sorry. And she promised me she will continue treatment and be OK. I promised her that I will stay with her throughout all of it .

But Then George appeared outside and started shouting at Claire. I couldn't leave Lavender. And when I came outside. I couldn't find Claire. I try calling but I couldn't find her anywhere. Lavender told me what happened.
James had a high fever but Claire doesn't know because she had to come help Lavender. George told her she is irresponsible towards their children and said she priorities me and Lavender over their family. It hurts her so much.

Claire is the sweetest person I know. She is my sister and always will be family for me . Amy is my little sister but Claire is like my twin . We know each others family very well too .Her parents love me as their son as Claire is an only child. My family loves her too . Specially Amy she always wanted a sister. I still remember that day Claire and I suddenly made a plan and we went hiking. Only us I know that time will never come back. I always thought of Claire as my sister. But I know I can never fully convince George about this. I know I am possessive about my wife too . But he is just straight up controlling. When I talk about this topic about our hike last time their were at our house Claire completely changed it and said we went there with a friend group. Lavender gave me the look so I kept quite but later when I asked her she told me that it will bother him if she said we alone had gone there .

I asked her if she had ever told him about it but she said she didn't because she doesn't want George to think anything of it .I told her that George should trust her .But She just got frustrated and said She knows what to tell her husband. When I told Lavender about it . She laughed and said Claire and you come on . I don't know I felt kinda weird about that lough .Mabye I am thinking too much. . Also I bought a gift for Claire's birthday.The diamond earrings she was mesmerised with it . Lavender loves the Idea too .But she said George might not like it .George will never change but I don't care about it . I gave it to Ryder to keep it in his office in case I forgot to  bring it on her birthday. I didn't keep it in mine because she always keeps document here she might find it .And the convincing I had to do for Ryder to keep it .  They didn't get along part of the reason is my closeness with Ryder and their different personality Claire is serious, soft  and emotional. While Ryder doesn't show much emotional and is chill .And Claire is a little jealous of our closeness but the thing is she will always try to defend Lavender if we had a fight or if I am stuck at a situation she will stress about it  until it is finished.But Ryder He will just be sarcastic about it and suddenly it will not be that of a big deal .How I wish Claire for just once could say  Heck with that how about we had a drink and then try solving it and if it doesn't solve. It will just be another unsolved piece of work .Which is still a work of Art.  Claire will faint if she heard these words of Ryder.

" Theo I am ready ".Kathy says

Theo closed the diary and turned around.

Kathy walks down the stairs as Theo's eyes followed her .

Kathy looks at Theo " You are looking so handsome my love ".

Theo doesn't respond

His stare makes her blush

" say something ".

" Theo ".

Theo snaps " I just don't know what to say ".

" You can say I am looking beautiful ".

" That word isn't worthy of you ".

" Then What is worthy of me ".

" Nothing .But if that's what you want to hear then I have never seen a more beautiful woman in my life other than the one in front of me ".

" Or mabye it is the goodness of your heart that reflects in my eyes for you to see "

Theo smiled looking at the love of his life . She is the only woman who ever loved him. There was nothing she didn't see. She saw his best worst everything in between .She makes him fall for her everyday .

" Theo ".

Theo hugged her " How about we don't go " .

Kathy lough " oh I wish ".

" Let's not go".

" Come on Alan is your best friend ".

Theo frowns and Says " I am not you I have only one best friend and I am hugging her"

" ohh so imagine we have a fight and when you will come to me to  snitch I have to say Oh mate she is really a crazy one ".

Theo frowns" Please don't ever call me mate again ".

" Ok if we go right then I can think about it . Come on mate ".

As Theo was holding her hand something poked his hand

" Ouch ".

" What happened?".

" I don't know .What are you wearing in your finger?".

" Oh this ". Kathy's ring .A snowflake shaped ring. Which has a bend corner from Which Theo got hurt.

" Why do still wear it '.

" What do you mean it's my  wedding ring ".

" I proposed with it and yes it was your wedding ring for some years. But I got you another one. That one is more pretty and a diamond ring ".

" I am wearing that look ".

" So take the other one out come on .It's old and rusty ".

" It's fine Theo. I would just polish it and it will be nice again ".

" You don't have too ".

" No I love it and it's more dearer to

" It's a old cheap ring ".

" No it's pretty and precious. I will never take this off. You can feel embarrassed by it .But I don't care ".

" I will never be embarrassed by you . Let's go "

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