Chapter 2

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In morning Theo reached lavian. He sees Lucy standing outside the door.

Theo said " Good morning Ms Harrison ".

" oh good morning by the way you can call me Lucy we don't have to be so formal right ".

"well we do know each other for only professional reasons but you are right and you can call me Theo too."

" So I wonder when is Mr Alan going to be here?".

" He is not usually late. He should be here anytime now we should go inside. "

They go to Mr Blair's office.

they both wished him good morning .

Mr Blair Said " Good morning you two , I thought Mr Maivin was going to be there with you too .

Theo said " He is not here yet sir ".

Alan walked into the room " sorry guys I am a little late ".

Mr Blair said " well you are here just in time . we can now go and meet our new client ".

They all go to the meeting room and there was a lady sitting there. she had short blonde hair and blue eyes . she looked pale and had dark circles below her eyes .

Mr Blair introduced her to them.

"OK team she lavender bloom .she wants to find her husband who went missing two days ago . she filled a complaint but she also had wants to take our help I had talk to police already.

Alan stared at her for some time before Theo gives him a look. Theo goes to her and asks

" when was the last time you had spoken to your husband ".?

" we had a huge fight that day and he left me alone in our home ".

" maybe he is with friends or just wants space ".

" but no one knows where he is I have contacted everyone nobody knows where he is .it....its like he had vanished in thin air ".

" what does he do ".

" He is a software engineer ".

" Can we have the address please?".

Theo got the address and they leaves for his office.

on the way to the office Theo asked Alan why was he staring at lavender.

" uh she looks kinda familiar that's why ".

" why could you have met her ".

" not meet seems like I saw her somewhere but I can't recall where "?.

Theo gives him a suspicious look.

" No she is married and I have a girlfriend ".

" Ok I believe you but it could help with case ".

" of course your one and only concern '

they reached the company.

and asked the receptionist about Mr Evan bloom but he told them that he left at the right time that day and didn't came back.

they asked if they could talk to other employees

they met with Ryder clane .He is the best friend of Evan .

We talked the last two days ago when before left the office he was very tensed.

Lucy asked " may I asked why was he tensed ?".


"oh it was the usual fight with lavender "?.

Alan asked " so they fight very often. did he ever disappear like this before?."

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