chapter 4

19 3 3


After a moment of silence...

As for him ?

lavender took a deep sight and said " Well he became my husband's best friend very quickly but I am not sure he feels the same about me actually  I am  not sure I feel the same about him either".

"Is there any specific reason he might not like you very much ".

"A month and a half ago Evan worked very hard on a project and spent his time in the office late night trying to get it done perfectly but Ryder begged him to let him take the credit because it will help him get  a promotion . I confront him but he just completely turned it towards something else and said that I never knew about their work or even my husband to begin with it upseted me and Evan didn't talk to him for a some time too but eventually they reconcile but since then he just can't indure me at all ".

" I am sorry to say but how could Mr Evan talk to him again after he insulted you like this "?.


" That's how he was kind, compassionate, loving
every person wants him around he just forgive and love so easily having him around I never feel lonely and unloved like I used to before him...."


"I sorry for asking why would you feel unloved ".


" oh I am sorry I got carried forgive me its just I used to have very bad anxiety and suffered in depression for years ".

"Oh I am sorry  for your medical and health issues ".

lavender gave a small smile and said wiping her tears away she says " Things would have been easier if it was only medical and health problems ".

" I didn't quite understand "

" My father used to abuse me and my mother. Eventually my mother k*lled my father while saving   me from  my father all of this took a troll in my mental health. Eventually I got diagnosed with depression and started to distance myself from everyone if it wasn't for my husband I would either be dead or in a psychic ward  ".

Theo gave lavender a sympathetic look.

"What about Mr Evan's family what's their say in it?.

"We are not in very good terms with them but when I contacted them they said they have no idea".


" Ok Thank you for your time .I will let you know if we find anything information. If you find something unusual let us know ".

Theo leaves and driving in his car as the sun was going down and the sunshine hit his face

Theo thinks
Past the moments of our life which decides what our future will be what we will be as a person past can make a person or ruin him but the strange thing is the past  was once our present I remember my now past then present too .

A little boy who was always scared didn't feel safe in his own home with his own people .whose father was ready to hit him everytime he made a mistake and thought his son was of no use never sure he considered me one .

Mother who hated me for being born .
As she used to say

" I never should have given birth to you. you are such a misfortune . I couldn't believe anyone can be this ugly and unworthy if I haven't given birth to you I would be able to live so happier. I wish you would have died during birth "

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