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Unknown person..,
History Repeat again.,

After this ahana didn't come out of her room lock herself in room others was worried for her but she took her medicine and rest herself but still thinking about karan.
It been one week karan his in hospital everyone visit him and come but expect ahana even karan got to know about ahana new habits he thought to know it once he is discharged to mansion.

After One Week..,

Malhotra Elder's Outfit

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Malhotra Elder's Outfit

Today the day karan got discharged to house he came inside saw his family members waiting he smile he was about to enter he heard a big shout from his dadi and nani.

Karan_Oh god dadi and nani I got scared.
Nyenoika_stop there don't step in.
Manik_oh come on mom he is already tired saying us to wait.
Ishati_oh god my dear beta wait for two minutes. (Then riva came with aarti plate seeing it nandini smile she give to nyenoika who came near them and smile)
Nandini_So this is your plan?

 (Then riva came with aarti plate seeing it nandini smile she give to nyenoika who came near them and smile) Nandini_So this is your plan?

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Mrs. Nandini Manik Malhotra outfit

Prachi_yes hereafter no evil eyes should come on my karan.
Ishati(turn to ayaan) _Come on join your family.
Ayaan_Come on nani why me? Karan who came from that hospital I am fit and fine here.
Nyenoika_yeah beta you are fine but after so many days the family had been reunion so join.
Manik_oh come on monkey don't act so much. (Ayaan went and stand behind nandini who kiss his forehead then they took aarti for them and welcome them inside and came karan settle down and others to sat down)
Aabir_Finally you came bro without you it was boring.
Karan_Seriously? I thought aanya will fulfill my place? (Aanya blush but hide it but others saw)
Aabir_yeah she was with me but still as a elder brother I missed you.
Rudra_Expect me you will give everyone respect am I right.

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