Commissions from a Benefactor

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(Evita's Medical Clinic)
(Minutes left in Timer: Null)

(*Vanya POV*)

Looking around the clinic, and notice that there are a lot of people in it. From kamonan locals to operators. There is a mix of GNESK operators and BlackGold operators trading and selling medicinal items within. While the building and surrounding area may be neutral grounds, fights/firefights do happen around here or bad mouthing from time to time. But thankfully, Evita's hired security always makes them leave. The clinic has one small building where the offices and goods are stored, whilst outside of it are tents and tarps where patients get treated and where trade takes place.

As i sat down on a wooden chair a standard military surgical kit landed on my lap, i turned to the left and see degtyarev standing.

"Here's your endurance injection vanya, like what you asked." He turns his head to the tents in small contemplation then back at me. "Why did you buy another endurance injection?. Don't tell me you're getting addicted to that stuff."

He chuckles "Hehe, druggie." Degtyarev smirks at his joking remark.

I waved a hand in dismissal, what an entirely wrong assumption. "No, not a druggie nor am i addicted to it."

I pocket the Endurance injection inside my chest rig then turn to face him.
"If i was a druggie, i would have spent the team's entire koen stockpile on painkillers, alcohol, cough syrup and Pacific soda. Probably some hookers if there's still some left... Keyword If"

"Yeah sure. But, you still haven't told me why you're buying and using a lot of Endurance injections during our raids. That's not healthy man. You might get into cardiac arrest."

"Well, you know how intense those raids can get," I replied, leaning back in the chair. "Sometimes you need that extra boost to keep going, especially when we're pushing through tough situations. And besides, I'd rather be prepared than risk slowing down when things get hairy."

"Yeah but the recommended daily dose is just Two endurance injections a day. Not four or five. It's getting a little worrying."

I waved a hand of dismissal again, dismissing his worries. "Bah, forget about it. Not like I don't spend all that energy. Raids do get tiring, especially when we get good shit that makes our backpacks heavy."

Looking up at degtyarev i ask him a question. "Did Liu chen give Doc her father's surgical kit? Yet?"

Degtyarev nods. "Yeah, he did. We got paid for it. Around 5,000 Koens, Enough to replenish our ammunition for our next Job with her.... If we get commissioned again."

"Well, that's good. The last thing we want is spending all ammunition in a firefight while there are still two squads in contact." I say with a matter of fact tone. It is quite a worrying and anxiety filled affair when we run out of ammunition.

Adjusting my seating position, i turned my head towards a cluster of chairs that are used for the clinic's waiting room, which is here outside. As i turned my head i noticed a group of BlackGold operators in their Black and Red combat uniforms staring at us. It is not unusual for opposing PMC's to give each other death glares whenever they are in a neutral zone, such as here in evita's clinic. Around four BlackGold operators, looking at us suspiciously with their arms crossed. Sneering in a way that makes them look salty, probably because we were the ones who shot up one of their Squads in the port. For safety purposes put up by evita, every PMC is disarmed and their weapons stored in a safe room until they leave.

Degtyarev sneers back at them and looks back at me. "Eh, BlackGold. Arrogant sons of bitches." He points his finger at them whilst hiding it behind his arm.

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