Lament of a Daughter (Evita)

10 0 0

(Unknown Location)
(Minutes Left in Extraction: Null)





The footsteps reverberate around the cement walls of the Hallway with purpose, each step measured and with deliberancy. High-heels clicking across the Polished cement floor.

A woman in her late 30's with a pixie cut, and wore a Lab coat walks through the hallway. Her face is plastered with a look of professionalism, and a hint of worry. A doctor involved in Humanitarian work in the Civil war consumed Island nation of Kamona. A member of the "Doctors Without Borders" initiative/organization.

She walks through the hallway before halting in front of a wooden door. She knocks three times.


The door opens and a man in his 20's wearing a Nurse's clothes, Rubber gloves, and a facemask opens the door. He seems tense but relaxed.

"Oh, doctor evita. Do you need anything, maam?"

Evita nods as she looked at the Man "Yes, i do. Have the delivery for 200 units of 926 Rapid first aid kits arrived yet?. I have a long line of customers, and i doubt that our current supplies can be given to them all."

The man shakes his head "No, I don't think so. Roland has yet to receive updates from the delivery company, but i think it will arrive around tomorrow afternoon, give or take. The delivery company from what i have heard has been having lots of difficulties in delivering stuff from their warehouses in Evros's ports to here in Kamona. The Civil war really has brought up Piracy here by the locals because that's how desperate they are. The sumek committee should really send a contingent of warships into the water way to protect ships. So, yeah, it should arrive tomorrow."

Doctor evita furrows her brows in concern. This was a setback for her little business that she is running. "Thank you for the update, thomas. We'll need to do with what we have then. Please, keep me updated with any Delays or setbacks with the delivery." She sighs.

She chuckles. "We definitely don't want our PMC customers to get angry."

"Speaking of PMC's, i've heard that White Wolf operators managed to get their hands on sensitive intel. How i know this?"

Thomas gestures his hand down the hallway straight at a group of White Wolf operators in their uniforms discussing with each other

"One of thems got a Golden document... Which is one of the Reasons PMC companies are here, stealing shit from the locals. They give me a bad taste in my mouth. I don't like Mercenaries."

Doctor Evita nods solemnly knowing the reason why PMC'S are even here in the Civil war consumed island nation. "Yes. The presence of Hired PMC'S/Mercenaries are only making our job harder here. Our supplies are supposed to be given to the poor Locals who are in dire need, not the armed men destabilizing the region by money hungry corporate men somewhere in a First World Country. A civil war is already bad enough and PMC'S exploiting the region is making it worse."

Thomas nods in agreement, his jaw clenched. "A damn shame it is. The locals got it worse here than the Albeklan Crisis. They really need genuine help. But, what can we really do?, we're just a Humanitarian organization."

Thomas looks back at Evita with a more concerned look. "No signs or updates of your father yet, ma'am?."

Evita shakes her head, burying her face in her left hand in worry and sadness. "No. None still. I have been desperate and commissioned operators to find any clues of his whereabouts... But, none still. Honestly, i am losing hope. But, i have to be strong for him. He might still be alive."
She wipes a tear from her eyes that broke out.

Thomas looks at her in Pity and worry. He knew Evita's father too, since he was the one that gave him an opportunity to join Doctors Without Borders, and personally mentored him to get a better rep for his doctorate degree.

He pats evita's shoulder, giving her a show of support "Don't lose hope, Evita. Even if all hope seems lost, there is still a glimmer of hope in situations you might find hopeless. At the current time, all we can do is pray and hope he is still alive when the operators you have commissioned find him. Only yeshua knows."

Evita nods, taking comfort in Thomas's words, though the worry still lingers within her mind. "Thank you thomas. Your support means a lot to me." She takes a deep breath and steels herself for whatever may come next in this tumultuous journey. "Let's focus on the job at and and offer support to those who are in need." She rubs her palms "We can't lose sight of our mission, no matter what challenges we face."

She looks up with a blank, but depressing stare at the stale grey coloured ceiling of her clinic funded by donations. Memories of her childhood flood into her mind. Times of happier, simpler times with her father and family.

"I want my Papa back."

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