Shorewind Lane (Vanya)

18 1 3

(((I don't own Arena Breakout. Morefun and tencent owns it)))

(The Port. Shorewind Lane)
(4 Minutes left in Extract timer)


Rummaging through this corpse's backpack, i see an MRE, Bottle of Water, couple of Loose 5.56 M855 ammunition, and a laptop. I grab the laptop from the backpack and inspect it.

"Jackpot. This laptop probably holds a lot of files from BlackGold Universal. I can hand it over to Yanov, probably get a few dozen koens."

I continue to rummage through the backpack, finding more useless things like spent casings and.... A condom, weirdly enough.

"What the hell?, why would this dude bring this condom with him into the Dark Zone?" I say, a little perplexed. I guess human instincts prevail even in the most dangerous of environments, Like the dark zone.

As i dug my hands into this backpack, my hands felt something thin and felt like plastic glass. I grab it with my hand inside the backpack and pull it out of the backpack.

My eyes widen, it's a Fucking Secret Document!!!

"H-Holy shit.... How the fuck did they get this."

I look around my surroundings, checking to see if there's noone around. I quickly grab my backpack and stuff it inside neatly, along with the Laptop.

I unbuckle my radio and turn it On. "This is Vanya, i have secured a high Value item. A secret document. I suggest we head to the extract as quickly as possible. Higher ups might want this."

I wait for a moment to receive a response on my Radio. Seconds later, a voice quips back "Roger Vanya. Team Lead has already been notified. Meet the rest of the squad in the sewers at Extraction."

I buckle my Radio back on my B3 universal chest rig and exit the building through a window. I vaulted over the window, my boots landing on shards of broken glass making a crispy crunching sound.

I heft up my AK-12 up closer to my chest and begin running towards the sewers. Thankfully it is only a few dozen meters east.

I run through the Alleyway between Shorewind Lane, aka Apartment complex, turning corners and passing by the dead bodies of militants or other unnamed PMC's. The alleyway is filled with empty Stalls with its foods and wares rotting, spent magazines and casings, Trash, and Dozens of Sandbags and emplacements. Seems like the Kamonan Loyalists put up a good fight here during the height of the Kamona civil war.

I turn a corner and spot a rusting steel rebar door. Its padlock has been shot off by either a shotgun or a rifle. It is slightly opened

"I guess they're waiting for me at the extract point."

I approach the door and open it, walking down the stairs leading into the sewers. I hurriedly stepped down the staircase, and my nostrils immediately smelled shit, piss, mold, and what smelled like a rotting corpse. I instinctively covered my nose with my free right gloved hand. The glove provides a barrier and as a filter from the smell.

As i reach down the staircase, i see a light illuminating from the left of a turn, and i can hear men talking.

"Where the fuck Is vanya? I thought he was just following us moments ago?"

"Well, Vanya's found a secret document. If he wasn't looting around, he might have not found it. Who knows, we might get a bonus from the higher ups."

"For real?. Guess i would owe him if we really do get a bonus here. A bottle of Fine Colomian Vodka perhaps?"

".......... Why are you Tevilans so Obsessed with vodka?"

"And why are you Huaxians so goddamn obsessed with Soy sauce?"

"... Touche. To be fair, it's tasty if it is paired up with grilled pork.

I hear them say.

I peek my head around the corner, and see it is just my Squad. Degtyarev, Liu Chen, and Davaa.

I waved my hand from the corner to warn them I was here so that they wouldn't shoot me. "Hey guys!, i am here!"

"Oh blyat, Vanya?" I heard Degtyarev Exclaim.

I leave the corner and run towards the extraction site where the squad is. "Thank god i made it out alive. Got into a fucking melee with some Tevilan Blackgold operator back at the Apartment complex... Or was it Shorewind Lane?. Either way, Got a Secret document from that."
i say as i knelt down and wait for our boat to arrive from the sewers.

"Goddamn, didn't know we had Bolbo with us. You know, that Mixed Martial arts guy from the Sakartvelon Republic."

"No idea who that is but thanks for that comparison."
(The Port. Sewer Extraction Site.)

We see 2 rubber boats enter the sewers from the canal with a Hired civilian on each one. 2 of us each enter a rubber boat. 2 in the other, and 2 on the other one.

Liu Chen holds up his finger and points it at vanya.

"You have the secret document right"

Vanya nods from behind him. "Yes."

"Alright. Good. Radio the Higher ups that we have highly sensitive material on us." Liu Chen pats his KN Defender Body armour.

"Finally. After so long, the Gods have blessed us. We shall feast later tonight like the Great King Azuka!!" Liu Chen Exclaims as he punches the air in excitement.

"HELL YEAH!" Everyone exclaims, as they celebrate whilst the rubber boats begin moving. The hired civilians paddling the rubber boats can only cover their ears due to the loud cheering.

"I wonder what other events this year holds." Vanya thinks.

((Chapter took longer because i accidentally punched a broken piece of marble tiles which exposed a big piece of tendon:3. Now i cannot move my ring finger. So, i cannot really make a longer chapter. At least, it's something:). I will hopefully update the story yet again by Wednesday. Fingers crossed!!))

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