Chapter 15

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Chan rubs his temple, pacing around his office. He doesn't know what is going on with Jisung, yesterday was a mess. First Hyunjin fell down the stairs, and then Seungmin's pencil kept getting burned, and even Jisung dropped the boxes while he normally does it with ease.

The door to his office opens, Minho sighs as he looks at his boyfriend. "Babe."

Chan looks up, stopping when he sees Minho.

The younger smiles, walking over and hugging the vampire. "It will be okay."

The older sighs, not sure if he can believe Minho this time.

"Sung is doing okay. Nothing happened today."

"I guess but it's weird." Chan mutters.

Minho hums. "Well I did some reassures. There is a blue moon coming in two days."

Chan frowns, looking at the werewolf. "Wait what?"

"Yeah, I mean I knew 'cause the whole werewolf thing I got going on." Minho chuckles. "But turns out, it can negatively influence younger witches' magic. Especially when their magic is pretty powerful and hard to control already."

Chan's frown deepens. "But this hasn't happened before?"

Minho chuckles. "Well it only happens once every two or three years and well, back then it was just you, Jisung and Changbin. So you probably didn't notice."

"Oh-" Chan tries to think back but shakes his head and gives up, knowing he isn't going to remember if something like this has happened before.

"If it gets worse we can see if he wants to wear the ring YoungK made for him."

The vampire pouts. "I don't want my baby to have to block his powers."

Minho sighs. "I know, it would just be for a few days."

"We can ask, I guess."

Minho kisses the older's pout.

Chan hums into the kiss, closing his eyes to enjoy it a little before they pull away at the sound of an explosion.


Chan looks at Minho. "Okay, I will go get it."

Minho chuckles. "I will go see what happened." He leaves the office, trying to figure out where Jisung is.

Minho frowns when he enters the kitchen, seeing both Jisung and Jeongin covered in ashes standing by the stove. "Do I want to know what happened?"

The two boys turn around, each with a smile on their face. "No?"

Minho sighs, walking closer to the two boys.

Jisung quickly moves, trying to block Minho from getting near the stove. "You can't see."

Jeongin nods his head, trying to move something away from the stove and hide it.

"Jisung, Jeongin, what did you do?" Minho raises an eyebrow at the 16- and 15-year-olds.

The older of the two walks up to Minho, hugging the older as a distraction. "How was work hyung?"

Minho sighs, wrapping his arms around Jisung. "It was good, a bit busy with San being sick."

Jisung pouts up at Minho. "He's sick?"

The older nods his head, noticing Jeongin disappearing with something behind his back. "I'm sure he will be okay. He has Woo to take care of him."

Jisung hums. "That's good." He lets go of Minho. "Are you going to the woods this weekend? Cause full moon?" He tilts his head to the side.

Family after death: 8 is fate (Book 3)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt