Chapter 4

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Jisung frowns as he enters the kitchen, finding the house way to quiet. He slept in today seeing as it is a Sunday, so he assumed everyone is already up. But he doesn't hear anyone, he was sure Changbin is up already as he wasn't in bed anymore when Jisung got up. "Channie hyung?"

Jisung shivers when he doesn't get a response, he does keep walking checking if they're anywhere else in the house. His frown deepens when he hears something crash down in the store, he quietly makes his way over being careful just in case it is not one of his 'family' members. Before entering the store he grabs his phone to get Chan's number ready to call if something is happening but the battery of his phone is dead even if he was sure he charged it when he went to sleep.

Jisung takes a deep breath before he slowly opens the door to the store, not wanting to give himself away if there is an intruder in the store. He sees a dark figure standing in front of him with it's back turned to Jisung, Jisung takes a step back hoping the figure hasn't noticed him. But the figure turns around, making Jisung stumble back. The figure makes his way over to Jisung, with red eyes staring into his soul. Jisung backs away until his back hits the wall, he closes his eyes when he sees the figures arm come forward screaming as loud as he can in hopes that someone will hear him.

 Changbin sits up in his bed as he hears Jisung scream, he quickly looks over to the other side of them room. Jisung clearly is still asleep but is tossing and turning a lot while breathing rapidly. Changbin throws his blanket to the side and jumps out of his bed running over to Jisung's side of the room. He knows that Chan also heard the scream but doesn't want to waste time in waking Jisung up as nightmares like this can trigger his magic.

"Jisung! Wake up, it's just a dream. Wake up!" Changbin flinches away from touching Jisung when he feels an electric shock. "Come on Ji! You have to wake up."

Jisung suddenly opens his eyes and sits up, nearly slamming his head against Changbin's. He looks around the room, trying to figure out where he is right now and if the dark figure is gone.

"Hey Sung, it's okay. You're in our bedroom, you're save." Changbin sits down on the bed next to Jisung while still keeping his distance from the younger just in case.

Chan throws open the door, quickly making his way over to the two boys when he sees the tears falling down Jisung's face. "What happened?" He picks Jisung up as he holds his hands out for him. Jisung hides his face in Chan's neck.

"He had a nightmare again." Changbin mumbles, looking worried at Jisung.

Chan nods, rubbing Jisung's back. He bounces him slightly, knowing that it will help him calm down. "Shh it's okay Sungie. You're save, no one's going to hurt you baby." Chan mumbles, hoping Jisung calms down soon. He can feel the tiny electric shocks coming from Jisung and worries that the boy may hurt himself if he doesn't calm down soon. "What happened? Can you tell hyungie?"

Jisung takes a deep breath. "You all left and than a creepy figure in the store and he attacked me."

Chan frowns, nodding his head. "It's okay Sungie, it was just a dream. No one is going to hurt you." Chan makes a mental note to inform Seonghwa about this nightmare. "Let's get some breakfast okay? Minho made pancakes." Chan decides to carry Jisung to the kitchen, with Changbin right behind him.

  "Jiji want to join us to the park?"

Jisung looks up from his book to see Felix and Jeongin standing in the door way with there jackets on.

"Please hyung? We really want you to join."

Chan hadn't told the two younger boys that Jisung had a nightmare this morning, so they didn't know he isn't feeling well. They were out of the house when Jisung woke up, so they luckily missed him screaming.

Family after death: 8 is fate (Book 3)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt