just some lil shenanigans

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Will sat down again. Hugging them both. Humming, he started harmonizing with the only sound there, the fan. Praying that the gods would keep his siblings safe.

Now, he let the tears fall.


"Tell me every horrible thing you have done. But let me love you anyway." Will said softly.

I gape at him. What a stupid, disgusting choice. I glare into his eyes. Then suddenly I start crying. His eyes, they were soft, and so sincere. It was like he knew exactly what to say at the right time. Will walked forward and engulfed me in a hug. I hugged him back. Hiding my face in his chest. Taking in the smell of his cologne, it was... Weird. It smelt like the campfire. But the more Nico stayed in that hug, the more things he could smell. Oranges, mint, nectar, McDonalds, pancakes? Nico giggled at the last one.

"What was that?" Will asked, and obvious smirk in his voice, "did Nico Di-Angelo, the Ghost King.... Giggle?" He teased. Nico looked up and smacked him on the chest playfully. "Stop!" He mumbled. Will chuckled as he ruffled Nico's hair, "tell me what made you laugh?" He asked, curious. Nico shrugged. "You smell like a lot of things." He says. Will suddenly smiled. "What did you smell?" He said sounding... Excited? Nico looked at him, suspicious.

"Well, I smelled: oranges, mint, McDonalds, pancakes and the campfire." Nico listed looking at his finger as he said them.

Looking up at Will he saw him...


"Why are you laughing?" Nico asked, getting annoyed. Will stopped and smiled at him. "For my birthday, the Hecate cabin didn't know what to get me so, instead of me smelling like blood for the entire day, the got me a cologne. Where it didn't smell like anything except the things that the person that smelled it liked."

Nico nodded.


"You like oranges?"


Will treated Nico like he would everyone else, which is all that Nico ever wanted.

Will didn't treat him like he was creepy or scary. He didn't worship the ground he stood on or avoid his gaze when Nico tried to intimidate him. He saw Nico di Angelo and thought, "Yeah, that's a human being and he's doing stupid shit and I'm gonna tell him that."

For the first time in a long time, Nico felt cared about because someone had the decency to treat him like a person rather than a powerful demigod of the Underworld. He didn't have to impress Will with his powers or put his life on the line to get an inkling of respect and friendship out of Will. Will simply liked Nico for Nico.

And Nico, for Will.


Everybody knows that Will is an anxious, dependent, people pleaser. Especially in his area of expertise: healing. So when Jason dies. Nico starts distancing himself again. He would ignore everybody, skip food, skip sleep. It was so hard to pull someone out of grief when they've faced it time and time again.

Will went over to Kayla. "I've tried everything in know of Kayla!" He pleaded. Kayla looked at her brother with eyes of pity, "try talking to him, properly."

In Will's fleeting moments of desperation, he kissed Nico.

Will saw Nico kiss Hazel on the cheek or temple. To Will, he read that it meant caring for a person, for loving them, and wanting to protect them.

Nico's eyes widened from shock. Before he could kiss Will back, Will pulled out. In Nico's mind it was finally clear to him, that he had a person who loves and cares for him right here. And in his height of grief, getting told that was a straight up 'I love you.'

Blushing, Will looked back at Nico. Then, with the realisation coming in, his face paled.

"Oh my gods. I'm so sorry Nico! I should've asked! I'm so so sorry! Ah, now you probably hate me huh? I get it! I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Nico grabs Will's face and kissed him again. "It's ok, mi amor" he said, smiling.


Nico layed on the soft grass. Today, was one of those days where everything was exhausting. The chores, in particular. Nico closed his eyes and ignored the person walking over to him. "Tired?" Said the voice. "Yup" Nico replies. Will crouched down next to him. "Chiron's looking for you Neeks." Will adds. Nico looks at his boyfriend and groans, facepalming. Sitting up, Nico looks at Will. He was posed like a model, but it looked natural that way. Dam, my boyfriend is beautifully hot! A cloud passed over the sun, freeing it from its cage. The beams hit them exactly. Nico squinted to keep looking at Will. When his eyes fully adjusted. He saw Will's eye were-

"Will... Your eyes." Nico said. Will raised his eyebrow, "what about them?" He asked. "They're uh, glowing?" Nico said nervously. "Oh." Was all Will said in return. "It's called sun-blindness. I get kinda maybe-ish blind?" Nico frowns. "Your dad is god of the sun, why are you getting blind when it hits you?" Will shrugged. "Zeus still hates us sooo" Will mumbled. "Dammit ZEUS!" Nico whispers aggressively. Will chuckles. "It's ok, I'm getting a hang of it."

All righty! Thats it for now!! Hope you liked it. As a friend once told me.

I did.
Words- 1456

One Shots, Two Shots And A Dead Drew.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz