figures-chapter 1

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I grumbled as i slowly opened my eyes, escaping the pitch black i saw before I was brought here. Slowly getting up trying to decipher everything that's happened in the span of a minute. what the heck?

"Stefan?" I questioned mumbling to myself. Some part of me hoped, no wished. That this was all a joke that was being played by the mystic falls gang.

"Damon? Damon if it's you who put me here just come out so I can finally drive a stake right thro-" I said before I was interrupted by a

"are you crazy?" questioned the brunette.

"No." I said lying. I was crazy, but not crazy to the point i was beyond reckless to not think stuff through and get myself killed. I knew something was happening here, it wasn't a prank pulled by the stupid mystic falls wanna be heroes, it was something else that I couldn't place my finger on not yet at least.

"Why did I ask that stupid question again? Everyone is screaming from the top of their lungs is just so much more than we imagined, im sorry. I'm Octavia, it's nice to meet you." Said the brunette who is not identified as Octavia.

"Wh-..never mind, I'm Katherine It's nice to meet you, Octavia." Said Katherine quickly plastering one of her best fake smiles who could convince everyone, at least everyone she met. She wasn't gonna question the fact that Octavia, the young brunette had mentioned something about Earth being 'so much more beautiful that we imagined' was this girl some weird freak? Don't be stupid Katherine.

"Katherine?" Questioned Octavia growing worried about the young brunette across from her's weird day dreaming timing.

"I-I'm sorry." Said katherine smiling softly as she held up her hands low, snapping out of her deep thoughts that seemed to consume her every second she was heavy thinking.

"no it's fine, let's head back to camp." Said Octavia gesturing to Katherine following her, which when she didn't she held her hand. Almost dragging her back to camp with her.

"I can walk you know" said Katherine growing a little irritated by the brunettes impatience.

"You seem like a bitch." Said Octavia raising both her brows.

"Sometimes I am" said Katherine smirking as Octavia slowly let go of her wrist causing her to stop and turn to Katherine.

"I think were gonna be best friends." Said Octavia smiling at Katherine who now grew a genuine smile on her face.

once they arrived at camp they didn't hesitate to get drowned down with questions, lots of questions.

"Octavia! where were you?" Questioned Bellamy running up towards his sister who was now standing next to a unfamiliar good looking brunette.

"Relax, i was just taking a walk." Said Octavia innocently as she shrugged her shoulders looking at her brother like he was crazy.

"who is that brunette? I haven't seen her around here" said Bellamy raising a brow.

"A friend i just made a couple of minutes ago" said Octavia shrugging as she went off.

with Katherine
Katherine slowly made her way following the large crowd which had formed around two boys.

"Take off your wristband or I'll do it for you!" Yelled one of the boys the crowd was circling.

"stop it!" Yelled a blonde haired girl, which made Katherine snicker observing the blonde thinking she could stop the fight which had escalated after 5 seconds.

"leave him alone." Said a brunette boy with long hair.

"Oh" said katherine not noticing everyone in the crowd had left while the blonde girl gave her a raised brow before heading to her. Fuck. What am I gonna do? I'm not a very social or friendly person! who am I even kidding? Im not even a person, I'm a vampire. Which means I can compel, compel to my advantage.

am I?

"Hi, Im Clarke, Clarke Griffin, it's nice to meet you." Said the blonde girl who was also now identified as Clarke.

"I'm Katherine" Said Katherine smiling once again. She only did it to be known as a friendly dork. Soon enough the act was gonna have to be cut short which made a slight frown appear on Katherine's face, in her mind.

"Your new right?" Questioned Clarke glancing at Katherine up and down almost as if she was scanning her.

"I-" said Katherine before she was interrupted.

"She's my sister." Said the long haired brunette hugging Katherine.

"yes i am, I'm his sister" said Katherine playing along although she couldn't say the same for the dude who said she was his sister.

"i didn't know you had a sister Fin." Said Clarke smiling at the fact that she was learning something new, just get this over with Katherine thought to herself.

"A, I'm gonna go help Clarke with something I'll be right back." Said Fin now leaving Katherine alone, which she hated but was used too. Which Katherine knew was a perfect opportunity to find a toy.

as Katherine walked through the camp admiring it she soon tripped with a rock that was there standing in her way. Or she was standing in its way, whatever. Im bleeding? Katherine questioned to herself as she rolled up her jeans only to witness a scar and lots of blood. If she was bleeding by such little force then...she might've not been a vampire, not in this place at least. that's when realization hit Katherine. She was in a different world.

"That doesn't look good." Said a male voice which sounded oddly familiar to Katherine.

"yeah well it's just a scar." Said Katherine trying to shrug off the attention she was getting.

"No, that looks pretty bad, here." Said Bellamy handing Katherine a bandage which she took.

"Thanks" said Katherine as she applied the bandage on her leg.

"have you seen Octavia?" Questioned Bellamy with a pitch of fear in his voice, changing the subject.

"Didn't you see her a couple of minutes ago?" Asked Katherine looking at Bellamy like he was stupid.

"It's Octavia we're talking about, i can't let my guard down any minute." Said Bellamy narrowing his eyes at Katherine looking at her like she was now stupid.

"Protective much." Said katherine narrowing her eyes back at the brunette guy, she couldn't help but breathe in his features. Now that she really thought about it he wasn't bad looking.

"Hey." Said Clarke walking up to Katherine and Bellamy, mainly sounding like she wanted to talk to Bellamy.

"We're gonna head up there to find the supplies and we need you to come, since you have a gun." Said Clarke to Bellamy. Glancing at Katherine who was now awkwardly on the ground.

which in response to Clarke, Bellamy lifted up his shirt a little to reveal the gun.

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