"If you start looking into the company I'll try and find any information on the warehouse," Kuina says, swiftly dividing the workload.

"I don't even know where to start." You mutter, typing the company name into the archive search bar.

The library stored building records for the city that dated back 20 years, prior to that it was all paper copies though you doubted you'd need to look that far to find it.

Kuina hummed as she typed away, her fingers fast against the keyboard despite not using one for a while, it was a relaxing noise. So much so that its presence, or lack thereof, was noticeable when she stopped.

"What is it?"

"It was used to store many things, companies used it to hold leftover stock." She explains, that the information not surprising or new. "There's a list of companies, one of them is the Otsuni testing facility."

That information definitely was new. "Why would a testing facility outsource storage at a rundown warehouse?"

"I have no idea." She huffs, leaning closer to the screen. "I'm going to check out the other companies and see if there is a relation between them."

You murmur in agreement, turning back to your own screen. The minutes slowly turned into hours, the sun going from a bright yellow to a dull orange and eventually dropping out of the sky as night drew in.

"The library is closing in 15." The librarian informed from her seat at the desk.

"All this time and nothing important." You felt like a failure.

"What was the name of your nurse?" Kuina asked suddenly.

"I think her name was Sana. Why?" You remember the name tag.

She scrolls down further before twisting the screen to you. "I had the same one, presuming it's the same person - which I think it's - her name is listed under the board of investors for the storage company and the testing facility."

You read over the screen, the names of investors listing her as one of high value. "Let's print these out."

You managed to print out the proof of the links between the testing facility and the warehouse before the library closes, thankfully the librarian had a spare folder and let you take it.

"The visiting times are over now, I think we should try and visit the warehouse." Kuina is quick to plan despite how sad she looks at the fact she won't be seeing Ann for yet another day.

You don't think it's a bad idea but gaining access wouldn't be easy, even if it was no longer in operation. "Won't it be locked?"

"Please." She scoffs. "Like a locked door is enough to stop me."

You can't help but break out into a smile as she struts away, her steps determined as she walks towards the bus stop. The journey there is relatively easy, it's located close to the heart of the city despite the area being a little run down it was easy to find.

Thank god for Google Maps.

"Is this it?" She asks, both of you underwhelmed by the crumbling building. "Let's split up and see if we can find an open entrance before I have to pick another lock."

"Okay, be safe." You don't particularly like the idea of separating from one another but it made sense, you would cover more ground and the less time you spent snooping around the better.

You'd taken the back of the building, the only access point being what appeared to be a fire door, the thing was chained up like some kind of high-security vault.

Risk It All (Chishiya X You)Where stories live. Discover now