"This is Chishiya?" She asked. "How do you know him."

"He's my boy-." You cut yourself off, you'd never been official with Chishiya. What you had couldn't exactly be explained in normal terms. "He's someone I love."

"He was hurt." You lift his shirt, a bandage covering his side. "He was shot."

"No." The nurse frowns, shaking her head. "A pipe broke through the window of the train, it pierced his side. He had surgery but is in recovery."

"But.." You don't exactly know what to say. Nothing seemed real.

You needed Chishiya to wake up.

The nurse touched your shoulder, your body flinching involuntarily. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Y-yes." You take a seat on the chair beside the bed. "Can I stay here?"

"Sure." The nurse says softly. "I'll bring you some food and have a doctor come and check on you."

You nod only to get her out of the room. The second she is gone you jump us, looking up and down the hallway to ensure it's clear before closing the door.

"Chishiya?" You call his name. "Chishiya I know you can hear me, you have to wake up I don't know what's happening but I'm confused and I can't figure this out."

A few moments ago you had been in the borderlands watching as your friends died beside you after playing horrific games and now you were in a hospital, surrounded by white walls and strange smells after apparently being in a train crash.

Was this another game?

You groaned in frustration when he didn't move, his body as still as it was lifeless. You took a seat back in the chair, pulling your legs up to your chest as you linked your hand to his.

The nurse came back carrying a tray of food but you'd ignored her in favour of drawing circles onto Chishiyas palm. "You would have hated me doing this when we first met, in fact I'm sure you hated me for a little while but I think even if you did you wouldn't be honest about it. You were so stubborn then, when we were at the beach you were the worst. I'm happy I annoyed you into letting me come with you though, I'd have been sad if you didn't. I really cared about you, even then, even in that place I couldn't stop myself caring for you."

The machines he was hooked up to continued beeping with every beat of his heart. You took it as a sign to continue. "They said you were injured by some pole on a train, apparently Kuina has left already and An is laid up in a bed. I don't know if Niragi made it but I found Aguni. No one else is awake and I'm all alone Chish. Something didn't feel right, Kuina wouldn't leave without checking on An and me. I'm sure she would even check on you too but what they are saying cannot be the truth, we weren't in any train crash. I need you to wake up, I can't figure this out without you. You made me promise before when we were there but I'm useless right now."

You use the sleeve of your gown to wipe your face when the alarms start going off. A few doctors and the nurse from earlier come bundling into the room, shouting to one another as they tend to Chishiya.

"What happening?" You ask as you try to get closer to him only to be stopped by the nurse pulling you back. "Let go of me!" You shout.

"They need to help him." She explains. "He has been in a coma since he arrived they need to check him I promise I will bring you back."

"I can just stay here." You cry in the doorway, unable to look away from the doctors administering some kind of drug. It leaves a sour taste in your mouth to think that Chishiya would be able to tell you what was happening right now.

Risk It All (Chishiya X You)Where stories live. Discover now