Chapter 1: buried deep underground

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chapter title: circus of the dead by tryhardninja and jordan lacore
chapter warnings: mentions of child death, depictions of grief


Movie night. The most sacred of bonding activities. Shitty vhs tapes. Cheap snacks. Pizza. Blankets. Friends.

The best part? No bullshit. Now, don't get him wrong, he LOVES being a vigilante! Beating up the jerkwads that make his city a dangerous place to live in (that puts his family in danger), the adrenaline rush of racing across the rooftops, evading the rare cop that actually pretends to care about what the hell he's doing, he lives for it! Loves it just as much as hockey, and that says a lot! But sometimes a guy's gotta chill, ya know?

No patrols, no worrying about the Shredder, or the Kraang, or any other baddie mutant who tries to fuck up the streets of NYC. Only relaxation, baby!

So imagine Casey's confusion and disappointment when he sees the guys all in their gear, getting ready to head out. Right as he and April arrive at the Lair too! That's just rude!

"I thought tonight was movie night!" He complained, gesturing to the couch pit clearly set up for the aforementioned movie night. "I would have brought my gear!"

Leo at least looks sheepish. "Sorry, Case. Duty calls."

Donnie's punching numbers into one of his weird-but-cool (do not tell him he thought that) inventions, not even looking up from the screen. "The Foot Clan's been having an odd amount of activity around this one abandoned building on the south-eastern side, we wanna check it out to be safe."

Abandoned building on the south-eastern side of Brooklyn?

Don't think about it, don't think about it, don't think about it-

Leo's double-checking the tightness of his mask as he and his brothers are ushering themselves to the garage. "You guys can start the movie though."

"But you'll miss it!" April says, pouting. Clearly Casey isn't the only one upset about this sudden change of plan.

"Then we'll make it in time for the next one!" Mikey says, dunking Raph's head as he runs by and barely missing the incoming slap with a cackle. Little shit.

Raph is the last one out, with the goodbye of, "Don't eat all the popcorn while we're gone!"

April humphs, crossing her arms. "It would have been nice to go with."

Yeah, Casey agrees with that. Shitty of them to back out at the last moment. Not even the most sacred of bonding activities is safe from the bullshit of the Foot Clan. A sad day indeed.

"Aw, c'mon, Red! They'll be back before we know it." Casey collapses onto the prepared couch, immediately grabbing the popcorn bowl. He's not gonna leave any for Raph.

He's upset, but he's not that mad. First dibs on popcorn, baby!

 First dibs on popcorn, baby!

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