part 7? : ROOFTOP

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Hey guys, I just realized the bold feature existed so I'm using that when I'M talking!
That's a cool little feature lmao.
guess what this chapter will be about and what you predict will happen (WITHOUT SCROLLING) also comment it and I will like it if you're right!!!
Just a silly little thing.


💚Izukus POV💚:

"I guess I'll just wear this, classy and slightly revealing." I think to myself as I pick up the hanger with the shirt on it. I wore black cargo pants and a white belt, and a blue crop top. Nothing too revealing, just shows some skin though. I also accessorize it with some rings, chains, and black boots.

I wish I could find a picture😭😭😭

As I leave the house, I grab my keys and almost forget that I had to bring him his uniform. I loaded every thing Into a bag, but I didn't wash it after my little try on session. I doubt he'll notice right? I mean I only wore it for around 10 minutes tops, I think...

Well I don't have time to be over thinking this now so I'm just gonna go and hope for the best.
I suff his suit into a bag and dash out to my car.

As I put my seatbelt on, I spray my favorite Cologne on. Todoroki got it for me a year ago.  It smells nice, and honestly If I'm going to hang with Kacchan, might as well smell nice right??

I spritz it once, it's not enough. I spritz it again, still not strong enough...
I spray like 10 all around the interior of the car. "That should be enough... "

I text Kacchan while I'm on my way on voice text.

💚 I'm on my way, be there in 10.

🧡Hurry up.
You're taking forever as it is, nerd.

💚see you soon.


We finished texting and I'm about there.

Time skip to Izuku showing up at the rooftop----->

🧡Kacchans POV🧡:

I heard his car pull in, God his car is loud as fuck. I heard the footsteps, as I'm sitting on the edge with my feet dangling, I put my phone down so I can greet him.
"Hi Kacchan! Sorry I'm late, I was busy! " Jesus Christ his voice is so damn annoying.
"Shut up, how did you know it was me that gave you that note? It could've been anybody so why the hell did you assume? " I'm just fucking with him, but still... How did he know?? I mean he even brought my hero suit, so there was no way in hell he didn't know it was me.

"Well first of all, it happened at the hospital so it could've literally been Todoroki... Or you.
He was sitting with me the entire time and I also cleaned out my bag before you walked out remember? And it wasn't Todoroki because he wasn't in the lobby, which was where the bag was placed. You also said IN PERSON that we needed to talk alone. It was quite obvio-" Deku wouldn't shut up so I cut him off.
"Shut the hell up, you're scaring the shit out of me. I get it, there was no hiding that it was me... You're not special dipshit." I tried to be sneaky earlier, but dekus stalker ass knows everything because of that damn notebook he still has from high school.

"Now, we need to discuss the reasons I invited you here. So no funny business or your ass is mine, got it? " I said trying to get the point across.
"Mhm, no funny business haha, got it! "He looked terrified as he said that...
" oooooook so you know how I wanted to talk to you earlier? You know, in the hallway? "
"Yes Kacchan, I remember that. What did you want to talk about?" He asked curiously.

Do I tell him that I like him yet or not? What if that bitch doesn't like me back? I wouldn't be surprised because I'm a dick to him all the time. That's what I wanted to talk to him about though... I need to get this off my chest or I'll still feel shitty about it.
Just simply say I like you. Can't be that hard right?

"Umm Kacchan? What was it?" Deku is still hanging onto it.

"I-i was umm... " I panic as I look around frantically.
I'm just gonna make up something, I can't. He doesn't need to know yet, dammit!!
I look around and find my hero suit in dekus bag, I can see my gauntlets. Maybe I should bring that up? I DON'T FUCKING KNOW?!

I take a deep breath...

"Do you have my hero suit? Y'know, the one I asked you to bring when we talked next??" I asked anxiously, hoping that he believes that's why I told him to come here.
"Umm, yea actually. I have your suit in my bag, lemme grab it." He said excitedly, he also looked confused as hell!!

"Hurry up" I demanded him. I just wanted to get it out of the way. I need to find a way to tell Deku that I like him, I need to get this off of my chest, but I don't think it's the right time yet.

💚Izuku POV💚:

The suit wasn't left behind until BEFORE he asked to speak with me. So what's the real reason for wanting to meet up with me. He wouldn't ask me to meet up just for the suit because he left it after our conversation... Doesn't make sense, I'm gonna get you to talk Kacchan...

"Is that all you wanted to talk about?" I asked, not expecting the truth first time.
I handed it to him and he snagged it fast as hell, then looking away trying not to hold eye contact.

"Mhm..." It was barely audible when Kacchan mumbled that. It was muffled because of his hero suit over his face.

Huh. Wonder why he's being so... Different.

🌜No ones POV🌛:

As Kacchan grabbed his suit from Izuku, he used it to cover his face. He was blushing hard as hell, and he was NOT pleased.

💚Izukus POV💚:


Umm, Kacchan? I-is it? If you needed to talk about something different, i-im all ears Kacchan! " I was trying so hard to just be kind and make it easy for him to actually tell me what's going on. He won't tell me if I'm a dick...

🧡Kacchans POV🧡:

Why the hell won't he shut the fuck UP?!
it's fucking retarded of him to keep pushing an answer out of me like this. This overwhelming feeling of fucking deku... I CAN'T tell him that I like him yet...

"Deku, just shut the hell up.. " I mumbled as I walked away and Dow the ladder on the side of the building.

"Wait! We still need to talk ab-" I was already long gone so I couldn't hear anything after that.
He doesn't need to know yet... Right??
I'll just tell him later, im not sure how much fucking later it can get before fucking round cheeks gets to him first.
She can't take him from me, I already know that she likes him.

Should I go to HER agency?

I need to talk to her about this... NOW.

BAKUDEKU?!! 💚🧡Where stories live. Discover now