For A Moment.. - 🦒

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🦒 -
(A bit of a Timeskip, and I also changed it from Noodle and Willy going to the zoo to Y/N and Willy.)

Willy and Y/N sneak out to sell more chocolate while Noodle is distracting Mrs. Scrubbitt. Willy notices his jar completely empty, knowing it was the Little Orange Man. He says he needs some giraffe milk so he and Y/N sneak into a zoo, fooling the security guard with a chocolate that makes him drunk.

They are now walking through the halls, looking for a giraffe to get milk from.


"Where are we? Giraffe.. giraffe.." Willy says while looking for the giraffe. "Ah! Giraffe!" He exclaims.

We walk into the stall, Willy giving the giraffe some acacia mints.

"Giraffes are just crazy about my acacia mints. Love them more than anything else. Except being scratched under the chin, see?" He scratches under the giraffes chin, it seems to be enjoying it.

"Wanna give it a go?" Willy says while looking at me.

"Me?.." I ask.

"Why not?" He asks.

"Okay.." I say, smiling at the giraffe and scratching under its chin.

"I think she likes you!" Willy says.

A while later, me and Willy are now getting milk from the giraffe. He's milking the giraffe, Abigail, while I scratch under her chin.

I start getting lost in thought, thinking about how happy Willy makes me. I just feel like everything has changed since he came.. like.. life doesn't seem so bad.

"Whatcha thinking about there, Y/N?" He asks, curiosity peeking through his eyes.

"Oh! Nothing!.." I say, blushing and looking away.

"After this, we're going on our own little adventure! Just the two of us." He says happily.

I feel kind of happy that we get to spend time together, just us 2.

"Alright." I say, stopping the scratch I'm giving Abigail after seeing Willy is finished. We both run out, laughing happily.

"Thanks Abigail!" We both say as we run out.

Willy holds my arm, leading me to a group of balloons from a stall, which he grabs onto. We both fly in the air, passing flamingo lakes, which they follow us.

We both eventually float down onto the snowy ground, dancing together passionately. The two of us lost in each other's eyes, this moment seems so perfect.

"Y/N?" Willy asks.

"Yeah?" I ask back. He looks down at my lips, a blush creeping onto my face.

His lips quickly brush against mine, kissing me softly until we hear a voice.

"Mr. Wonka!" We hear, Willy immediately pulling back from the kiss.

"A word in private, if I may." The chief says.

"Er.. certainly!" Willy says, hesitant, but knowing he has to. "It's best you get out of here, Y/N." He says with caution.

"But.. Willy—" I get cut off by another sweet, but short kiss from him. He pulls back with a nervous smile and blush. I look at him the same way.

"Don't worry about me, I'll meet you back at the cart." He says, reassuring me.

"Okay.." I say before leaving with the milk cart.

Willy POV:

The chief approaches me."I've got a message for you, pal." He says.

He dunks my head into the water fountian. "Don't sell chocolate in this town!" He yells.

He pulls my head back up.

"Got it?!" He says.

"Not really, I'm afraid." I say.

"I said!.." He dunks my head in the cold water again. "DON'T. SELL. CHOCOLATE." He yells again.

He pulls me back up. "You hear me this time?" He asks.

"I had water in my ears.." I say.

"Oh yeah. That does make sense. I'm sorry, I'm all outta whack. Truth is, I don't want to be doing this." He confesses.

"I don't want you to be doing this." I say.

"But I still gotta give you a message. If I catch you selling chocolate on any street in this city, you'll get more than a bonk on the head." He says.

"But I don't have a bonk on the head.." I say, puzzled.

"What is with me today?! Can you wait a moment?" He asks.

"Sure." I reply.

He grabs his stick, giving Willy a bonk on the head.

- 🦒

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