"Huh.." - 💡

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Willy POV:

I find myself standing infront of my room, tired of the disappointment of today.

I walk it, leaning against the wall and looking through the window until I hear a voice.

"Room Service!" Noodle says, making me smile slightly. I turn around, seeing her.

"Told you to read the small print." She says.

"Slight problem with that.." I say.

"You can't read, can you?" She asks.

"I focus my studies almost exclusively on chocolate." I say.

"I see.." She says. "How much do you owe them?" She asks.

"Ten thousand." I say with disappointment.

"Count yourself lucky, I owe thirty. They found me in a laundry chute, took me in out of the goodness of their hearts, and charged me for the privilege." She says.

"What a pair of monsters.." I say, seeing Y/N come in, I give her a smile.


I walk in with a bucket of slops, seeing Willy and Noodle in here. I smile back at Willy before handing the bucket to Noodle for us to eat.

I see Willy grab his brown suitcase, setting it down at the table, continuing the conversation. "And you both are certainly not going to be eating any slops."

"What are you doing?.." Noodle asks, I'm looking at Willy confused.

"I'm making chocolate of course. How do you like it? Dark? White? Nutty? Absolutely insane?" He asks, tilting his head.

"I don't know, I've.. never had it." Noodle admits.

"You've nev-..You've had chocolate?" He asks with an extremely shocked expression.

"No." She answers.

"WHAT?! You've never had chocolate?!?" He asks in disbelief.

"Still no." She says.

"You, Y/N?" He asks me.

"I mean, at least once.." I admit.

"Well, fortunately," He starts, sitting down and opening up his case. "I have a selection of the world's finest ingredients right here in my travel factory."

He picks some jars of ingredients for us, I ask him a question. "Did you always want to make chocolate?"

"Oh, no.. Back when I was Noodle's age, I wanted to be a magician. My mom was the cook.. We lived on the river, just the two of us." He explains.

"We didn't have a lot of money but each week she brought home one cocoa bean. By the time my birthday rolled around, there was enough to make a single bar of chocolate. But it wasn't just any old chocolate.. Far from it."

After he finishes explaining, he hands me and Noodle the chocolate.

"Here, try one." He says.

We both try it, it tastes amazing.

"Wish you hadn't done that." Noodle says.

"Why not? You don't like it?" He asks.

"No, I like it it's just.. Now each day I don't have chocolate will be a little harder." She says, I agree with sadness.

"Then how would you both like to have all the chocolate you can eat every day for the rest of your life? A lifetime supply." He says, looking at us both.

"What would we have to do?.." I ask.

"Not much, just get me out of here." He says.

"What?!" Noodle says.

"Are you crazy?" I ask.

"Shhh, Shh! It's easy! Noodle, you could cover my shift and Y/N, if you'd like.." He starts, speaking nervously. "You could smuggle me out in your laundry cart. Just for a few hours.."

"It's a nice idea, Willy.. but it'll never work!" Noodle says.

"Course it will! Eat your chocolate." He says.

"Huh.." Noodle says out of nowhere.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Nothing." She says.

"Oh, ok." He says.

"Huh!.." She says again.

"A double-huh! That's not nothing, that's the Silver Lining! It's given you an idea." He says.

"Ok, so the one time Mrs. Scrubbitt dropped her guard was when this aristocrat came into the laundry. She was all over him like a rash.. it was disgusting.." She says.

"That's it! All we have to do is find an aristocrat and slip out while she's distracted.." He says.

"But how?.." Noodle asks.

"Yeah, I mean.. how we going to find an aristocrat?" I ask.

Willy takes another look at me before turning around while eating a Silver Lining, standing under a light.

"Huh.." He starts.

"Huh?" I ask while Noodle also thinks.

"Does one of you have a pencil and paper?" He asks.

"Uh huh." Noodle answers.

"I've got an idea." He says.

Wonder what it could be.

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