Hoverchocs - 🫙

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Willy POV:

I'm in the Galéries Gourmet once again, walking up to the empty shop where I will one day open my chocolate store. I set down my case on the ground. I take a look at the shop, imagining how much it would mean to me to accomplish my dream here.

I sigh as I continue looking at it, whispering to myself under my breath. "Here we go, Mamma.."

I hop onto the box, setting my cane down as a little flag springs up from it.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the Galéries Gourmet!" I yell out, catching everyone's attention.

I then see Y/N and Noodle watching from afar, I give them a little smile. Y/N gives me a kind smile, making me feel less nervous about this.

I watch as the crowd that was rushing by, stops in their tracks to watch me.

I continue speaking up. "My name is Willy Wonka,"

"and I have come to show you a marvelous morsel, an incredible edible, an unbeatable eatable! The likes of which this world has never seen, so quiet up and listen down!.."

I realize my mistake.

"No. Scratch that, reverse it.."

"I give you the Hoverchoc." I show off my jar.

Mr. Slugworth, Mr. Ficklegruber, and Mr. Prodnose who are famous chocolatiers are now watching from their windows as I show off my creation.

I open the jar of Hoverchocs, they fly out.. which leaves the crowd and the 3 famous chocolatiers in shock.

"Who wants to try one?" I ask in excitement.

"I will." Mr. Slugworth says while him and the other 2 chocolatiers rush out of their stores.

My eyes slightly widen, I'm shocked that one of these 3 famous chocolatiers want to try my chocolate..

"Mr. Slugworth, sir! Mr. Ficklegruber! And Mr. Prodnose, what an honor!"

I clasp Mr. Slugworth's hand for a handshake and continue to speak.

"Ever since I was a little —Boy!.. That's quite a handshake!.." He gives me an almost bone-crushing handshake.

"It's a business handshake, Mr. Wonka. Lets people know that I mean business." Mr. Slugworth speaks.

"Now, come along. Let's try one of these so-called "Hoverchocs." He adds on.

I offer the jar, all three of them take out a Hoverchoc, they pop them in their mouth and attempt to hide how good it really tastes..

Mr. Slugworth speaks, trying to hide his excitement. "It's not just chocolate.. is it? There's marshmallow-.."

"Harvested from the mallow-marshes of Peru." I speak with confidence.

"And.. caramel.. But it's?.." Mr. Ficklegruber says.

"Salted. With the bittersweet tears of a Russian clown." I speak.

"And is that?.. Surely not!.. Cherry?.." Mr. Prodnose says.

"Cherry picked by the cherry pickers of the imperial gardens in Japan." I say, and continue watching them eat the chocolate.

"Well, Mr. Wonka.. I've been in this business a very long time, and I can safely say that of all the chocolate I've ever tasted, this is without doubt, the absolute one hundred percent.. Worst." Mr. Slugworth says.

"There we have it, ladies and gentlemen! An endorsement from Mr. Slugworth himself— Wait.. the worst!?.." I speak with disbelief at the end.

I sigh, clearly disappointed. I look at the ground as the men talk down on me and my chocolate. I then look back up with a mischievous look on my face.

"Well.. If you thought the chocolate was weird, you're going to hate what happens next.." I say.

A few moments later, they all start rising up. I explain how the hoverfly has broken out of its chocolate cocoon and is flapping its wings. I also explain how in about 20 minutes, it'll exit through their rears.

"You're off your rocker, Wonka! Who in their right mind wants a chocolate that makes you fly?!" Mr. Slugworth asks as he continues rising.

"Let's find out, shall we? Who's for Hoverchoc?" I open the jar once again, all of chocolates flying out. People take the chocolates, paying me lots of silver sovereigns by putting them in the jar.

I see Noodle and Y/N still watching from afar, I doff my hat towards them. I give Y/N another special smile.

Then out of nowhere, a police chief comes, telling Noodle and Y/N to leave.

They both leave, Y/N looking back at me one last time. They give me a smile, almost telling me that they're proud of me for almost accomplishing my dream.

The chief comes up to me. "I'm afraid we've had complaints about you, sir." He proceeds to tell me.

"Complaints?" I ask with disappointment.

"That you've been disrupting the trade of other businesses. I'm regrettably obliged to move you on and confiscate your earnings." He adds on.

He takes the jar of my earned silver sovereigns. "Hey.." I say.

"Could you at least leave me a sovereign?.. I need to pay for my room.." I ask humbly.

He looks to see if there's anyone, then gives me a sovereign.

"Here." He says.

"Thank you.." I thank him with gratefulness.

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