"Land Ahoy!" - 🌊

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Willy POV:

I climb up on top of the boat, looking at the beautiful ocean as we approach the city.

I've waited so long for this

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I've waited so long for this.

Finally, my dream of selling my chocolate at the Galéries Gourmet has the chance of becoming a reality.

I step down the ladder, putting on my tattered overcoat grabbing my battered brown suitcase.

I step onto the crane, putting on my brown top hat.

The crane takes me to a blue truck, I climb on top of the truck, sitting on it and stealing a ride.

The crane takes me to a blue truck, I climb on top of the truck, sitting on it and stealing a ride

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I ride it into the city, stepping off of it, and hanging onto a pole. I start swinging on it, then stepping onto the ground.

I hold my one dozen of silver sovereigns as I walk around the city, feeling like they're disappearing from my hand.

Somehow my hand goes from having a dozen silver sovereigns to 10, then to 6.


Well first off, I asked a man for a map.

As I read the map, there was a boy shining my brown boot, who of course wanted 2 sovereigns for "doing his job."

I didn't ask for my shoes to be shined, may I add.

Then I walked over to this woman who was selling produce, picking up one of her pumpkins and looking at it.

And I of course, dropped the pumpkin.

I pay back the woman 4 sovereigns for dropping her pumpkin, walking away.

At last, the Galéries Gourmet.

I knew that we'd see it someday.

It's just like my mother described it.

I walk up to the store that I've always had my eyes on.

I knew someday I'd be selling my chocolate here.

I daydream in front of the empty building, then felt three taps on my shoulder.

I turn around, seeing it's an officer.

I then see the sign that says "No daydreaming."

I end up paying him 3 silver sovereigns.

I continue walking around the Galéries Gourmet.

I look down at my hand and seeing the three silver sovereigns I have left.

I sigh, looking down at my hand until I bump into someone.

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