The Intruder

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In the living room Raven, Luz and King were chilling as King attacked a sock.

Luz: And here we have the most fearsome creature in the world the King of demons.. facing his natural enemy...The ducky sock. Low voice Dun dun....duuuun.

King ripped the sock off his face.

King: Where are you now ducky sock!?

Raven: So King, why'd you call us here again?

Luz sit down on Raven lap and Raven just hugs her.

King: Oh, right!

King crawled up on the drawer and points at them.

King: You and Luz have been so obsessed with witchcraft that you haven't learned anything about my kind. Prepare yourself for.....

King took out a curtain that showed many pictures of different demons and King places on a hat.

King: Demons 101! Demons like me are grim tricksters of the twilight, creatures of sulfur and bone.

Luz: And cute little paws!

Raven gently hits her head.

Raven: Luz, stop it.

King: And cute little paws..true. We live only to create chaos and misery, our only weakness are purified water and passive aggressive comments....sometimes.

Luz: guys are sensitive!

King: Even demons have inner demons. The most powerful demon of all is the Snaggleback!

Raven: The Snaggleback?

King: He's a-

Luz: Bad boy!

Luz put stickers and text on her camera screen. Raven put her head on top of Luz head hugged her tightly. Luz blushed at this.

Raven: Luz, stop cutting him off let him finish talking first.

King: Thank you Raven, Luz pay attention, this is information that could save your life someday!

Luz: No no I am sooo paying attention, this is my paying attention face. Mhm mhm mhm.

Raven looks out the window to see clouds the she hears lightning strike.

King: Uh oh. Looks like it's gonna rain.

Luz gasps and jumps out of Raven lap, Raven gets up as well.

Luz: Oh I love the rain! Me and Luz uses to play outside while it's raining!

Raven made her way toward the door and opened it and looked outside.

Luz: Ahh! I always love the feeling of the first few drops in my hair.

Raven: (Thoughts) The clouds are very similar to our home, but at some time there's a change that it could be different. I just don't know what....

Luz: WHAT!?

Raven looks at where Luz was staring at and the flower disintegrated.

Raven: Oh no! Luz!

Eda: Boiling rain! Everyone inside now!

Eda has her arm over her head and she grabs Luz's arm and threw her in the house. Raven runs inside and stood sill only for Eda to bump into her causing her to hit her head on the wall.

Raven: (Thoughts) My head..... wait why does the top of my head hurts too?

Eda: Phew! That was close. But the important thing is no one got hurt.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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