Witches Before Wizards

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Raven awake up to see that Luz is laying on top of her. Raven smile and pats her head and then get up carefully so she doesn't wake up Luz. She go to the bathroom door and opens it just for several owls to fly out hooting. She watches them fly away before entering.

Hooty: Morning Raven! Hoot!

Raven: Morning Hooty. Pats Hooty head.

Hooty exists from the window in the bathroom. Luz is in the other bathroom.

Luz: This is it, old girl. Your first day on the Boiling Isles, as a Witch Appreciate. Hyah!

She opens a closet door while covering her eyes.

Luz: please have witchy clothes! Please have witchy clothes!

Takes her hand off her eyes and sees a closet full of stereotypical witch stuff.

Luz: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! Screams.

Luz  is now writing "Witch Apprentice Luz " on a name tag and sticking it to her chest. She is now wearing a robe and what looks like a witch's hat as she stands at the bottom of the staircase Luz then looks at Raven. Raven is wearing all black clothes that has a hood and wearing a mask with it.

Raven: What are you warning Luz?

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Raven: What are you warning Luz?

Luz: Witch stuff! Here's some clothes, hats and a name tag! We could wear it together!

Raven: I would love to....but um...Luz, that a dirty traffic cone and a bathrobe.

Luz grabbed the hat and blew the dirt off and it turns out to be a traffic cone, and she looks down at the bathrobe and blushed in embarrassment. Then Raven and Luz see Eda shadow coming at them, Eda looks pretty exhausted.

Luz: Good morning Eda the Owl Lady! We are ready for our first day of Witch Apprenticeship!

Eda: Who are you again?

Raven looks at Luz to see she is shocked by what Eda said.

Raven: (Thoughts) Mmm...she just woke up by judging by the look of her face and because of how early it is that she probably doesn't remember right now.

Luz: Remember us? Luz and Raven?

Luz gestures towards herself and Raven while we walked towards the dining area, Luz got hit by a flying mug and Raven rub the back of her head.

Luz: We freed the oppressed and defeated the evil Warden together....and that was yesterday!

Eda: Kid lay off the details, I haven't even had my cup of apple blood yet.

Luz: Don't you mean apple juice?

Eda: No.

Eda then continued to drink it, while King was trying to eat his food.

Luz: Teach us some spells! When do we get a magic staff? Were we supposed to bring our own roots? Gasps! Do you have a dangerous quest for us!?

Raven: Woah woah Luz sweet baby, calm down.

Raven go to The Owl House Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang