Volume 2 Chapter 22 - Crime and Punishment

Start from the beginning

Horikita: "...thank you for the offer, but it's not necessary."

Horikita-san suddenly appeared behind me.

She seemed to be in a hurry...

Ichinose: "Not necessarily"? What do you mean, Horikita-san?

Horikita: "We won't be able to protect Sudou. Even if there is a witness from Class "A" or "B". However... there is something you can prepare. This is the only way."

Otomura: "Still, you wouldn't risk it without some kind of plan."

Horikita: "That's right..."

She told us about her plan...

My plan had a different structure, but it had fewer risks.

It's good that I told her about this place...

Although she is not stupid and probably would have come there herself.

Ichinose: "I am ready to help in this matter."

Horikita: "I understand, thank you."

Ichinose: "I think we can arrange it. I want to know what's going on with Class D. I'm interested in a lot of things, but... maybe it's better not to tell us about it?"

Horikita: "You're right. But if I can convince you, will you help?"

Otomura: "You yourself must understand that we will need luck..."

Horikita: "But you must understand that the risk is as great as the reward."

I prefer fewer risks, but without risks, unfortunately, you won't achieve anything...

Ichinose: "When did you come up with this?"

Horikita: Until the end of the meeting. It really happened by accident..."

Ichinose: "Just... an incredible move. I was at the crime scene and didn't even think about something like that."

Kanzaki: "This is an unusual idea, but is it possible?"

He looked skeptical.

Kanzaki: "This may go against your views and principles, Ichinose."

Ichinose: "Haha, that's true. This is unusual for me. But... it might work."

Horikita: "Yes, I thought so too."

Otomura: "Unfortunately... there is no other way..."

Horikita: "Hmm... are you sure?"

Otomura: "Yes"

Horikita: "..."

Do not look at me so...

I'm not a genius to come up with ideas on the fly...

But if you give me some time.

Horikita: "Anyway. Since it all started with a lie, maybe one more lie will allow it to end? That's what I think".

Ichinose: "Mm-hmm, I see. An eye for an eye, a lie for a lie, right? However, I don't think it's easy to do."

Horikita: "First of all, we need to somehow get those security cameras."

She pointed to the camera hanging next to us.

Otomura: "Hmm... we can ask Sotomura from our class to help in this matter. He talked a lot about his passion for technology... So maybe he knows something..."

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